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New Red Oak: Duraseal stain & Bona Traffic HD (No Sealer??)

6 months ago

Hi all --

We've had our new red oak floors put down - and already applied Duraseal Neutral stain. The samples that were placed on our sanded floor in a well lit room had Duraseal neutral/Versaseal/Bona Traffic HD. I wanted a natural stain to match the 20% of 80 year old red oak floors we were able to keep upstairs - I don't mind the blending of the old and new, one room is entirely old and the other remaining is mostly covered under a desk...etc. The blend will be fine. The neutral stain once settled, had a touch of yellowing/blond that I was okay with. BUT when it went down throughout the house - it was very pink and I freaked out.

My contractor was unable to assure me that it would settle and the pink would lessen - this threw me into a tailspin. Soooo... I asked for a few samples on top of the duraseal neutral, using different sealers and one option with no sealer - just bona traffic HD.

My phone camera is not great - but here they are. I think one of these will work. Would love thoughts and institutional knowledge from those that understand how red oak responds to these finishes. I tried instenseal too - but didn't really get me closer to the color I am looking for (not pictured here).

Last note, a different flooring company refinished our old floors upstairs and we did duraseal neutral with a bona mega finish and i loved the result - but I don't think it's been as durable. I was trying to get close to that color - I think some of what I loved was the old wood has a depth that will take time with new floors. See attached pictures.

Old floors, sanded with duraseal neutral stain (no sealer, no finish - yet), these are upstairs in two rooms - new red oak laid is same size but not visible in picture.

New Red Oak floors downstairs throughout house, sanded with Duraseal Neutral stain and bona traffic HD finish in commercial satin (samples for walnut cabinets resting on top) - taken today - same photo at the end taken three days earlier:

New Red Oak floors, sanded with Duraseal Neutral stain, bona classicseal and bona traffic HD finish in commercial satin:

Same as second photo above but this one was a few days Red Oak floors sanded with Duraseal Neutral stain and bona traffic HD finish in commercial satin (samples for walnut cabinets resting on top)

No sealer: I am leaning towards this one...

Aim is to have less pink - I know there will always be some. More natural/blond color as is visible in second photo - hoping more time will go more in the second photo direction. Also, would like it to compliment my walnut cab color.

I do not want to sand the duraseal neutral out - need to keep moving forward. Would love suggestions and thoughts that can work with the duraseal neutral that has already been applied.

Thoughts and advice requested!


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