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What elm species is this?

6 months ago

Sorry I have been gone for a prolonged time...

When out on another trip to Big Stone County, MN, I came across two elm trees growing near some of the corn fields. Intrigued, I researched possible species. The gradual thinning of the leaves (coming to a fine tip), alongside the rigid edges and uniform veins make me think they could be American elms. I know many of these trees (especially in the given county) were removed due to Dutch Elm Disease (DED) decades prior. My main questions are: (a) are these trees American elm (b) could they be disease-resistant or did they possibly survive the initial onslaught (c) and is there anything else you think is relevant to the topic?

The following are the attached images of both trees. Some images are, of course, lower resolution due to bad lighting. Sorry in regards to that.

- Jalisco

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