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Silver Cloud/Viscount White/Viscon White - beige tones?

10 months ago

Those of you who have this granite, does it look beige-y at all? I looked at a couple different slabs in 2 different stone yards. The first slab seemed like it had a lot of beige in the background--like the white parts were really beige. The second slab was better (I'm trying to avoid beige.)

At the second place, it seemed similar, but the stone wasn't in as well lit an area.

When they brought out the second stone at place #1 (they had to pull it out from the back--it wasn't on the showroom floor), I thought wow, I really like that. Closer up, I could see some of the beige.

I got a sample to bring home, though I think the sample is more beige than the slab.

So does it read gray/beige or gray/white in your kitchen?

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