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House numbers - which of these 4 choices? EDITED: DONE

10 months ago
last modified: 8 months ago


I “bumped” this thread due to a technical-problem the other day and now people are being helpful and responding when this entire project is actually complete.

Editing now to say I went a totally different route then any of my choices originally posted. The bottom line was that I really couldn’t visualize it until everything was done and ready for the numbers, I had them in hand, and we physically held them up to the house. We had 4 people standing there and we all agreed on the final placement, which was this:

And as far as readability (especially for emergency vehicles) - our house number is VERY visible from our mailbox on the street. Honestly, my placement on the house itself was more about what looked the best and completed the picture in the most aesthetically pleasing way.

I’m on Cloud 9 with this finished project as you can tell if you check out my Before/After thread:


I'm trying to plan ahead on some of the smaller decisions...since the big ones are still knocking me on my butt!!

Which of these 4 choices do you think is best for our house numbers? Or maybe someone has another idea I've not thought of?

Note: Since the house isn't fully painted, our lantern/light is not hung, and our new door has not yet arrived, I was forced to "Frankenstein" a photo. This is our house, but parts of the photo are a cut-and-paste situation. My placement is not totally exact, but hopefully you can get the general idea of what I'm considering.

#1) Centered over door

#2) Vertical next to door

#3) Horizontal next to door

#4) Diagonal next to door

Thanks in advance.

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