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Miele speed oven - is it worth it/does it work well?

9 months ago

We are renovating our kitchen and I'm interested in a speed oven. Basically so I can have an oven and a half and no need for a microwave.
The sales guy suggested the Bosch or Meile as they have bake and broil elements so can function as a true oven. The Bosch has horrible reviews.
Miele sounds good but is so expensive.......
Does anyone have a newer model? How well does it work as a microwave? As an oven? How much can you fit in there? Is it worth it?
We are looking at around 2-3x the price to go with a Miele speed and Wall oven vs a GE double oven (I realize that's a huge difference in brands). Am trying to figure out if Miele is really worth it.

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