Shelf above toilet centered to the wall or toilet?
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- 12 months ago
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So moving if toilet is out of the center toilet???
Comments (9)Ok..not sure if Google has led me down the right path but here is what I found according to IRC (International Residential Code) sec. 2705 "SECTION P2705 INSTALLATION 5. Water closets, lavatories and bidets. A water closet, lavatory or bidet shall not be set closer than 15 inches (381 mm) from its center to any side wall, partition or vanity or closer than 30 inches (762 mm) center-to-cen- ter between adjacent fixtures. There shall be a clearance of not less than 21 inches (533 mm) in front of a water closet, lavatory or bidet to any wall, fixture or door." It doesn't say anything about the two sides being equal, just that they need to be a minimum of 15" from center, or 30" total center to center. Now you may tell me it will look horrible, that's another story, but I am not sure if I am following why it isn't to code. Here is a picture I found online of an off center toilet. It is a toilet stall, and I think it is closer to walls/partitions than we would be...but it was all I could find. I don't think it looks terribly bad and to be honest I think ours will be less noticeable since the wall to the left will be a glass wall to the it will feel more open. Thoughts?...See MoreDo you have halogen sconces above your vanity and toilet?
Comments (0)We're finalizing renovation plans for our 5' x 9' hall bath, and I'd like feedback on my choice of light fixtures. I'm thinking of using three of these 150-watt halogen sconces âÂ" spec'ed by the manufacturer (Condor Lighting) as down lights âÂ" above the new vanity and toilet: Specs: ààSatin glass bottom diffuser. ààOne 150 watt, 120 volt, T3Short, RSC halogen lamp. ààGeneral downward light distribution. ààADA compliant. àà9.25"W x 4"H x 3.25" projection. ààDimmers: Incandescent The sconces will probably be installed just below the 7' level below the 8' ceiling, with roughly 24" between fixture center lines. This leaves roughly 15" of wall space between the fixture edges. The sconces will need to provide the primary nighttime lighting for the vanity and toilet area. (I was going to say "task lighting", but that term didn't sound right WRT the toilet!) The bathroom is 5' wide as you enter it, with a shower that spans the "full" 5 feet at the end of the room. The shower will have it's own lighting on separate switch. So the three sconces only need to light the 6' long wall behind the vanity and toilet (to your left as you enter the room). BTW, the room no longer has a window, so we added a skylight and an exhaust fan years ago. Lighting is not an issue in this room when the sun is up, even during the winter. I'm having difficulty envisioning the lighting plan, because the bathroom currently has the exhaust fan without a light and a single fluorescent tube fixture from HD on above the vanity. To complicate matters, I'm not familiar with halogen lighting except for the two 20-watt halogen lights in my Kobe kitchen range hood. Those lights are very bright, so I would probably use lower wattage bulbs in the bathroom sconces. I'd be grateful for input from the halogen-savvy GWers out there. Thank you in advance! docdom...See MoreDo you have a storage cabinet above your toilet?
Comments (15) me a genius for asking a bathroom question on the kitchen forum. I got more responses here then BF. Who knew? HA! Some people here on the KF probably read the subject line and think, "that pupwhipped must have a screw or two loose." I may, but bigger problem is the two big glasses of Chardonnay I had on July 4th eve last night. YUM! A few kind people did respond on the BF with pics. There were pics of cabinets deeper then 11 inches, so I guess it can work. I love the look of all the ones that have been posted including alku05's and momj47's above. My room is very small, though, with a door at each end, so I wonder if my cabinet might look like the "Cab that ate Cleveland." If I could recess it a little that would help. Iglooie, can you really recess a cabinet that is not specifically designed for that purpose? Duh, could be sounding like an idiot again. And, of course, my girlfriends, most mens can't change the TP holder. My hubby is so handy and hard working, and will do most any and all things. Not that! But, pssssst, since none of you know me and never will, I'll tell you a secret. My MIL had four boys and she was an absolute clean freak. She could not deal with the "messy misses" at the toilet. She taught all her sons to "sit" and never stand for any action going on at the toilet. Get my drift? I thank her for that. Never had any misses or splashes from my hubby. Now, if only he could change the TP holder he would be perfect. Thanks to all for your kind responses. pup...See MoreWood shelves above tankless smart toilets??
Comments (9)I really like my shelves. Installed properly they will look good. Need to be anchored properly. Into studs is best. Otherwise they can pull on the surface and enlarge the screw hole. Ours were doing that but hubs got a better anchor and all is fine now. Helps to be married to a carpenter. I have no idea what "proper installation" is but the installation needs to match the demands of the weight you will be putting on it . . . many options for floating shelves available. They can have good support braces but they are hidden inside the shelf. If you do floating, make sure they have an adequate lip. At least one inch....See MoreRelated Professionals
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