November 2023 week 3
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May 2023 Week 3
Comments (5)We are trying to get a little more rain. We have been getting rain often, but not much at a time. That old stray dog that has been hanging around is becoming quite a problem, she gets into everything. I dont think she hears well, she walks out in front of traffic, Madge said that it looked like she almost caused a motorcycle wreak. We have no animal control out here and I have no idea who's dog she is. I am still trying to get the south garden cleaned up, but it is a slow go. I am still trying to make room for more plants in the gardens. Looks like I need to plant some green beans....See MoreHealthy Lifestyle Progress - Week of Sept 3, 2023
Comments (16)I'm glad you are taking pics and recognizing the great progress Funky. It is so easy to get discouraged, but we need to reflect sometimes and be proud. Lots of changes and consistency have gotten you those results. They didn't just happen. I'm going to take the questions this week:) How are you doing with your healthy lifestyle changes this holiday weekend? Not bad - exercise is seeing me through at this point. What are your goals for the coming week?- no bread, no potato chips. I have been so lax with these foods, which are really a downhill spiral for me. I'm going to go cold turkey on these two. What are you working on improving? - Getting my food choices back in line. Are you pleased with your progress? - I have been at a weight loss plateau since November of last year really. But I am glad to have kept the weight off and stayed active. I have really made activity a big part of my life and I think that has been key to keeping my weight in line for now. What are you especially proud of? Being active every day and trying things physical things outside my comfort zone - yesterday we went kayaking. Not particularly physical, but still, some weight loss and confidence in being in better physical shape has led me to say yes instead of no to things I have really ended up enjoying. Like @gsciencechick - I am trying to take advantage of opportunities. I get stuck in a rut, so I am trying to say yes more often. I haven't regretted it yet. But it is not my normal MO....See MoreOctober 2023 week 3
Comments (26)Larry, thanks! I'm trying to figure out growing sweet potatoes in our clay soil. Next year, we're planning on growing things in the Survivalist Garden that don't require canning. Sweet potatoes are on the list. We've talked before about how we interchange sweet potatoes for winter squash in recipes. Becau se winter squash/pumpkins are so difficult here (dumb squash bugs!) sweet potatoes could be a great alternative. It's something we would use....and that is important to me. I like to grow what we'll truly eat. And can what we'll truly eat. I worry about our soil, though. I'm really looking forward to next year. I'm finally going to work on some garden things that I've been putting off for awhile. We have a ton of beans and diced tomatoes in the pantry, so we won't need to can any of that next year. We're just not eating as much of those things right now with it just being the two of us. We don't make a lot of pasta sauces or soups and chilies any longer. We will do some.... but it's different without our son here. He could eat a LOT. I always feel like I need to say.... If food becomes scarce, plans will change of course. Although, honestly, we would probably focus on growing meat. I've been very privileged to enjoy a vegetarian lifestyle.... but if things ever got bad, meat has calories and whatnot. I just finished up getting everything/one ready for our trip. It's been a crazy day with work, watering for two hours, and getting the animals situated. Oh, and packing. And texting with all the various parties. Daughter and son-in-law went a day early, so they're already there. Got the rental car and checked into the Airbnb. Ethan's gf's family is very different from our family. We are planners and....they're not so much. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. It's gonna be hot and dry for the rest of the week, so hopefully the deep watering today will sustain everything until I can water again in a few days. Kim, there were several grasshoppers out here. They weren't as active, but they're around. I planted pansies last night. It was fun. The Vego beds are ready to start adding cardboard and compost items. The Greenstalk is still sitting empty. It will keep until next year. I love October and want to fully enjoy it again someday....See MoreDecemember 2023, Week 3
Comments (6)Still not much to talk about really. Just getting ready for all the holiday festivities. But, really, some changes need to be made. WHY are we buying gifts for each other at work? Trying to come up with 10 reasonably priced gifts that are meaningful is not easy. Guys are harder. Girls usually appreciate a cute holiday hand towel, an ornament, a nice bottle of lotion or hand soap, cute earrings. Still, tho, it's a lot. And all the gatherings where you're required to bring a finger food or side dish or dessert. Finding a recipe, shopping for the ingredients and then making it. There's gotta be a way to simplify all of this. And I have ideas on that...and will be sharing those with involved people. And, I'm noting on my 2024 planner to shop for holiday clothing in November. I've purchased zero clothing items this season and really it's too late at this point. Oh well. It's a thing for me because I'm involved in a couple of programs and need to look nice. Side note. "fashion" this year is not for me. The styles are weird. Then add in my feet issues. I currently have no black shoes or boots because it requires a trip to Brown's shoe store and around $200. How I wish I could just pick up some $40 shoes. But, if I want to be able to walk, then I've gotta spend it. Finding clothing that looks good with my brown boots is another factor. I spent way too long (precious time!) trying on clothing last night at 3 different stores and found nothing. I'll be caring for our neighbors' animals for a couple of weeks and she gave me some really meaningful gifts. A package of Beulah tea--it's Roots and Refuge new coffee roasting company. They also do tea. I really love tea. And a couple of rustic, handmade knitted gnomes. Absolutely precious. Things I would like to be doing: making ornaments with the orange slices I dried last week and making candy/baking cookies. Also, reading books and watching Christmas movies. Also, preparing my home for my family. I can't believe Ethan will be here in 9 days. I haven't touched his room since he left in June, other than to put cardboard on the floors and spread out onions/potatoes. But, those have been out since October. The room is very dirty--like dusty dirty. So, needs to be deep cleaned next week before he comes home. I'm going to do that on Tuesday. Open the windows and burn some sage in there. The sage really seems to cleanse the air. Oh, the garden. Still harvesting lettuce, arugula, spinach, a few herbs, radishes, kale and turnips. The calendula is surprisingly still alive and blooming. I have a couple of mystery chickens that look a little like Welsummers, but not exactly and I think they are laying small green eggs. They are the most skittish pullets I've ever had. This morning when I went to the shop to feed the shop cats and open the door for them, I heard a noise and it was one of those pullets roosting in the rafters. I absolutely do not want them in the shop. It's a shop not a barn and they poop while roosting. I'm going to have to check each night. I caught one and clipped her wing this morning. I was late to work. Getting stuck by a train didn't help either. Tonight will be a late work night because of a school program. That's it from me. Seems like everyone is equally as busy as I am. It's the season....See MoreRelated Professionals
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