Weekend Music (FNM): Worry, Trouble, Ache, Sick, Sad, Part II
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Central Ohio Plant Swap/Potluck - Sat. May 20 - Part 2
Comments (103)COLUMBUS OHIO PLANT SWAP/POTLUCK II SAT. SEPTEMBER 16, 2006 Date: SEPTEMBER 16, 2006 (Tell your friends) Time: 10:00 - 3:00 Shelter house #5 Place: Hilliard Municipal Park on Veterans Memorial Dr, Hilliard, Ohio. Take outer belt I-270 & go west getting off at Cemetery Rd exit (go toward hilliard). 2 miles until right past Main St. Cemetery dead ends into Scioto Darby - turn right . Go a few blocks down & turn left onto Veterans Memorial Dr. First shelter house on the right #5 (same shelter house as spring swap). Material : Plant well-rooted cutting in pots, bulbs, shrubs, garden ornaments or junk art, garden magazines bundled up & gardening books. Please mark containers with kind of flower plus sun or shade. Use old containers, cups & for labels use plastic forks (or old blinds) with black permanent markers. Potluck: I donÂt know which is best the food or plant swap. Please bring a dish to share & utensils (mark your name) and any beverage. I will provide plates, cups & napkins. 10:00 - 12:00 People start arriving . Sign in at registration table with the # of plants, e-mail, sign up for door prizes & name tags. Donation jar for the shelter house which cost $30.00 to rent. Put your plants you brought to trade into there areas.(perennial, herbs, shrubs. Daylily, iris est.) Visit with other gardeners & view all the plants ready to trade. This swap is patterned after Beverly & Mimi fourth year plant swap. Last fall in September we had a small group of 50 traders but, lots of daylilies, iris & other plants !! 12:00 Enjoy our wonderful potluck. After lunch door prizes donated by our wonderful gardeners friends. Many thanks!! 1:00 Round robin: What we are all waiting for!! Round robin one everyone selects 1 plants. Round robin two everyone take 1 plants. Round robin 3 everyone takes two plants. Round robin 4 everyone takes three. Round robin 5 everyone takes 4 plants & so on. Everyone should be able to take as many plants as they brought. At the end there is usually a lot of plants left over for any one to take (some of use bring extra plants). Tips of the day: Please bring a wagon the help everyone unload there plants ( mark your wagon no trade). Folding chairs, table for plants, potluck dish & of course all these wonderful plants to trade. Any question go on line fellow swapers will help answer any questions. R.S.V.P : www.gardennweb.com./forums/get-together Then click on the Ohio valley or plant swap. You will find Central Ohio plant swap/potluck. IÂ canÂt wait until September for another swap . See you at the swap. Happy gardening!! Diane Garrett...See MoreUPDATE: Bloomin Friends December Swap - Part Three
Comments (139)Maryanne, Im guilty as charged; I scanned over the posts but did not see where you had posted. Wow, we are a gabby bunch of ladies; I cant believe how fast the posts add up, and I am so glad you liked the labels. I love mine, because I put the name of the plant on both sides and if one side fades I can just pop it out and see what the name of the plant is. You might say I over kill when I tag plants, after losing so many tags over the years, I now bury a small tag with the plant also. The worse thing I have to do is dig it up to see what it is. Hey, I just want you to know I did have a box of candy, for both you and Janell but forgot to put it in. Hubby says it tasted good! LOL Ive been reading over the posts now that I have some time on my hands. Im off till Christmas night. YIPPIIIIIIII! Laura, a blooming friends friendship bracelet is a great idea! I cant get over how funny this group is. Can you imagine all of us in one place at one time? I really must know where you guys find all these cute pictures, and would someone please send me a step by step cheat sheet on how to do it. Carol, congratulations on the new grandbaby coming! I want to be grandma so bad, but no luck yet. My username, Ive collected raggedy Ann and Andy forever, I had to add the 1 because someone else had it, then I tacked on my zip code. Going to make some potato soup for dinner, does anyone else ever fix this with bacon and cheese? LIFE IS GOOD, Annie...See MoreMay weekends
Comments (42)May was a while ago, of course that particular weekend has long since passed. I actually enjoyed the extra weekend he was here and realized that he is much less troubled when the only kid in the house. It turned out just fine. I stand by being annoyed that whatever BM says goes, and that my DH needs to stand up to her. Right now she's kept him the last two weekends we were supposed to have him. First she "forgot" the 4th of July was our holiday AND our weekend, took him across the state. The next time, DH was supposed to pick him up Fri @ 6 and she told us a few days before she was going camping and we needed to pick up Thur night or she would take him with her for the weekend. Grr...of course she took him because DH and I both worked that Friday. She did decide we could have him the following weekend, however, we already had plans for our "kid free" weekend..paid for reservations we weren't going to change because she decided. So we haven't had him for 6 weeks now. Same old same old....she decides everything. It bothers me I can't plan "family fun" weekends that include him, although I am feeling less and less guilty since it is his mother who is "keeping him" from us. By the calendar he should be with us tomorrow, and I'm kinda excited to see him. Who knows though, I haven't heard if he's really coming or not. For what it's worth, I was not TOW. My DH did not leave her for me. Her and I are the same age. I don't believe my DH tries as hard as he should to stay involved in SS's life (school, sports) but I also see how difficult she makes it to be involved. I cannot negotiate the terms of their parenting. If DH asks my opinion I'll share it with him, but I am really focusing on "minding my own business". I have my own kids to worry about. *****BIG THANKS to you ladies who didn't think I was a monster for enjoying a sleep in, an hour away from Disney Channel, and most importantly the time off from bickering and deciding what to make for dinner that everyone likes. :)...See More"Opiod induced constipation" commercials-sad state of affairs
Comments (51)When I began the series of radiations for prostate cancer, Jan. 6, the radiation therapists (as they call themselves _ I call them "radiators") told me that I'd likely need to be visiting the bathroom more often - and they ... were... not... kidding! Like - about 20 times a day, some days, sometimes in rather concentrated "shots" ... so that sometimes I can have a couple of hours to myself. Anyway ... the doc suggested some imodium to slow down the diarrhea, and I've been using it for a couple of weeks ... with little visible result. The therapist told me the other day, on my having asked, that I could probably expect some "hangover" ... ... for a couple of weeks ... to a month ... after the radiation is completed, on Wed. Feb. 24. Wish me luck! ole joyfuelled ... with rather low level of usual fuelling, lately...See MoreRelated Professionals
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