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Help gluing wood piece to shelf

I have an old china cabinet that has plate grooves that are not an optimal distance from the back of the cabinet, so that the plates are not very stable. I also put fabric covered cardboard panels in the back of the cabinet making the plate grooves even more shallow than they were before.

Anyway, I had some pieces of narrow half-round molding, about 1/4 inch wide. The are unfinished on the flat side, stained on the round side.

I tried gluing them to the shelves with hot glue, but they popped off easily. I then tried Krazy Glue and that did not stick either. Any suggestions on what to use to fasten these to the shelves? I’d rather not use brads if I can avoid it, but maybe that’s the only way. Would probably need to drill the trim to avoid splitting it. Not sure how hard the mahogany shelves are. thanks


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