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Do you have a Hatch Restore 2 clock/sound machine?

last year
last modified: last year

Is it worth the price????

Today, on a whim, at Target, I picked up a $30 clock/sound machine from Capello. I like the looks of it and the options, but once I started to read the reviews on this, I'm not sure I made a wise choice. MANY of the reviews mention it stopped working after just a few months and one even said the one they had caught fire!!!! Yikes!!! Only 36% gave it 5 stars and 31% gave it only 1 star.

So I started to look for some other options and found the Hatch Restore 2 clock/sound machine, but it's at least $160 (right now I can get it from the Hatch website for $40 off the $200 price). If you have and use one, do you feel it is worth the price?
