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Can you help style this formal tablecloth for a casual Thanksgiving?

last year
last modified: last year

I am hosting Thanksgiving for ten. The dining table and chairs are dark wood, "espresso". The walls are https://www.behr.com/consumer/ColorDetailView/PPU13-16 OFFSHORE MIST.

My large oval dining table has some scratches. I want to cover it with a tablecloth and not just chargers or placemats. It requires an extra wide oval tablecloth. This size of oval tablecloth is very hard to find unless I want to go the custom route, which I am willing to do if the tablecloth I have isn't right. I have hunted for the size I need (70 wide x 85 length) on Poshmark, Ebay, thrift stores, and all of the internet. I found some and they are also white.

The oval tablecloth I own is Lenox Laurel Leaf in white. The white is not pure white but more of an off-white.

A rectangular or oblong tablecloth is an option as well. They are much easier to find. I don't particularly like the "tails" the hang at the four corners and would like to avoid.

My plates are very casual and more of a pure or stark white. My gravy boats are white. I have a few items that are Fiesta turquoise -- salt and pepper, butter dish. I will use casual drinkware as well -- clear Duralex tumblers or maybe stemless wine glasses.

Do you have any advice on how to make these casual white dishes on white "formal" tablecloth look more "Fall", or more "Thanksgiving"? I feel like the casualness of my dishes clashes with the tablecloth.

I don't want to buy new dishes. I am willing to buy cups, glasses, cloth napkins, etc. What color napkins would you buy, and how can I accessorize to make this tablecloth work and look more autumn?

I can buy a custom tablecloth in an alternative color (tablecloth color options) if I am better off having some contrast/color to the white plates.

Any and all advice welcome.

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