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bush dilemma for Frontyard

last year
last modified: last year

Hi everyone,

Frantically redoing yards of his fall. Apologies for asking so many questions about my design dilemmas.

I have a part shade spot in my front yard. The backdrop is a row of box. In front of it there will be a row of golden grass - Carex elata aurea most likely.

I am trying to decide between:

A. Daphne summer ice or Daphne transatlantica Biafra
B. Firefly Heather
C. Choisya gold fingers

I have a Daphne blafra on hand. But I worry it won’t look good with the box parterre. On the other hand sumner ice has silver edges but I worry it might grow too big.. 2 feet or 2.5 max height.

Any other suggestions?

My sunny yard is becoming shady due to a neighbor’s large tree. I am having to redo big chunks of it as my roses no longer flower.

The area is the space below the box hedge. The grassy stuff is liriope which has never flowered. This area is part sun during summer. Any suggestions for what I could plant here is most welcome!!

Other side of the stairs that I am working on:

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