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New Thread, A Day Early

last year
last modified: last year

Thought I would go ahead and make a new thread now. I probably won't have time tomorrow.

We got a little rain this week (an inch and a half) and a little cool down.

I had two beautiful hours to work in the garden this afternoon. I chose the native garden behind the shop. The "annual" side really needed a lot of work. The crabgrass overtook it. But, lots of goodness was uncovered.

Oh, and the monarchs kept me so entertained while working back there! There were so many and they were so active. Just lovely. I like to think they are the caterpillars I saw a couple of weeks ago. There's more caterpillars on the milkweed now. I think I've planted enough nectar plants for them: Indian Blanket, wild bergamot, aromatic aster, purple coneflowers and others. I got the list from Okies for Monarchs. I've been working hard on this for 2 years and it was nice to see the monarchs. Of course, there's plenty of other plants for other species too. This garden will be even better next year (fingers crossed!)

I did find a holy basil buried under the crabgrass. I did NOT plant it there. How did a tulsi get back there? I knew it was there because I could smell it.

But then, I started thinking that I should have made a medicinal herb bed back there too. BUT, I'm realy happy with what it's becoming. I can do the medicine in other places. Although, things like echinacea and many others are both for the critters and the humans.

The fall food gardens look good too. My only complaint is the disappearing carrots. I have no idea. They sprout. They disappear.

I'm happy that I left one half-dead Persian cuke. It has enjoyed the rain and cool down and is making new fruit.

(Speaking of Persian. Have any of y'all read Everything Sad is Untrue? I recommend it. It's partially set in Edmond, OK....and this guy calls out his bullies. I'm like, dang! Is Brandon Goff still living here? LOL. Anyway, it's a good book. )

Rick's things in the SG look good. Okra is still producing. The fall tomatoes are so pretty. I'm pruning them a bit more than normal. I've planted them in my kitchen garden.

We are slowly making progress on the shower. Tom got the wall all ready today for the wall system we have chosen to install. It's very pretty. He opened the box and one of the panels is cracked. Ugh! This remodel has been a thing. Tom called to see if they would just send another panel, but they want us to send the entire box back. Precious time, People! And the thing is heavy.

I won't complain in detail about how busy I've been, but life has been hoppin'. I've worked extra hours and I was sick on top of it. I'm feeling better as of yesterday.

Y'all, look at last week's thread. Larry has a plant ID over there.

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