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Suggestions for "top" pink and/or crimson roses for Zone 7a

last year
last modified: last year


I am in the process of choosing plants for my front landscaping design and would like to incorporate 2-3 rose varieties, max, amongst several other typical "rose garden" companions (e.g., catmint, geranium, alchemilla, daisies, etc.).

I'm quite overwhelmed by the number of varieties to choose from so am hoping the community could help me narrow down a few options. Here are my criteria:

- I live in Delaware, Zone 7a - we are very prone to blackspot here, so health of the plant is a top priority

- I'd prefer shrub roses that have a bloom color of either light pink (think "Olivia Rose Austin") or a crimson/berry color (think "Darcy Bussell")

- If it's not already apparent, I very much love the look of David Austin roses (I currently grow Munstead Wood and, though it blackspots, it is a lovely rose). I'm not really looking for drift roses with small blooms, but rather shrubs with more larger, more substantial blooms. At the same time, repeat flowering is important

- Fragrance is a nice to have but not need to have for me.

Let me know if there are other criteria that I may have missed that would be helpful to narrow the search. I'm also providing a quick inspiration photo in case it helps folks find roses that are similar to the look I'm trying to achieve (understanding that the photo below was from a magazine, taken during peak bloom season and that my actual yard may only look like this for a week or two lol).

Thank you in advance!!

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