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Pinyon pines (any known sources)

last year

Does anyone know a source (i.e. seeds, seedlings, cuttings, etc...) for the following pinyon pines?

Pinus nelsonii

Pinus pinceana

Pinus remota

Pinus quadrifolia

Pinus culminicola

Pinus rzedowskii

Pinus discolor

Pinus cembroides subsp. lagunae

I have not found any so far since many of them are very rare, unseen, or uncommon in plant nurseries online. Pinus quadrifolia and Pinus remota are partially found in the United States as a part of their range but are not found for sale anywhere. Pinus rzedowksii is extremely rare or unseen in the plant or conifer trade, so sourcing any part of the plant and seeds is unlikely to a degree.

Thanks!! :)

- Jalisco

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