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Great how-to articles on whole-house color schemes

last year

I have been convinced for a long time that I want a whole-house color scheme. I have read several articles about the multiple advantages. But I was frustrated that I still didn't know how to execute my plan. Recently I read this article: https://www.fromhousetohome.com/whole-house-color-scheme/
FINALLY! It got me started. At least I was able to figure out what colors I want. Now, I think I can muddle through the rest, but I sure would welcome good articles others have read about the execution, the selection of materials in different colors, and when and how to use one color in multiple adjoining rooms. And I think there are others out there who also like the idea of a whole-house color scheme but are unsure how to get it. So I decided to start this thread to help us all. Please post your favorite articles or web-sites if they exist.

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