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Show Me Your Dust Mop

last year

I've never had nor wanted a dust mop. I've thought of them as old fashioned and not needed. Well, now I want a dust mop. NOT a Swiffer or Swiffer-type - I have had and hated those. They don't work for me.

I'm thinking of a mop for the dry floor that does not use disposable sheets, but has a mop head that gathers up dust (what a concept), pet hair, other small and light stuff. Then you shake it out (outside) to get all of that stuff out of it. My broom does a decent job of taking care of a lot of it but leaves behind the smaller, lighter stuff that moves around.

I guess at some point the head has to be replaced or washed.

This would be in addition to my spin mop that I use to wash the floor. Help!

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