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Thoughts in area rug ??

last year
last modified: last year


i am trying to find an area rug for my LR. What do you think of these 2 sample rugs?

we are in the process of decorating, and i know i need lamps,, decor, etc, we are concentrating on the rug right now.

here are some pics to see of the overall space/ current furnishings.

Rug 1 - Medallion

Rug 2 - Trellis

Comments (65)

  • last year

    Thanks for input about what I have here.

    I like this one , but there is something delicate and whimsy that I like about the first rug.

    I agree this one also goes we with colors of the room, but it feels a little bolder to me design wise. I think either can absolutely work. My husnand hasnt seent his one yet. so Inwill see what he thinks when he does . I feel giid that at least Inhave 2 choices so far , compared to zero when I was looking ar blue rugs 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • last year
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    side by side

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    Comments (6)
    I agree with Ingrid—a nice sisal would work, except I’d skip the contrasting binding. And to answer your question about whether or not anyone’s done this, my brother & his partner have—more out of necessity than anything else (kind of like you, I guess!) They live in a pre-war co-op building in NYC with terrific, original-but-noisy-for-the-neighbor-below-you hardwoods, and each apartment is required to have a minimum percentage of the flooring covered so they did exactly what you’re considering in both their living and dining rooms. And it looks great!
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    Yeah I’m struggling with what size runner because the space between the two sides is really wide so I thought an area rug? Right now we have a small rug by sink but it’s too small for space. I added photos of the space. Excuse the mess and we are in the process of finishing up the remodel so house isn’t furnished completely nor are all the finishing touches complete. I added a pic of a similar look though one wall doesn’t open to another area.
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  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Tufted adds nice touch of does the boldness and is beautiful in here. The other patterns are a little distressed and boho? More casual.

  • last year

    Thanks tracefloyd

    no, there is no distressing on the rug on the right. it is a solid pattern..

  • last year

    The latest arrival looks like an outdoor patio rug to me. I think something with a softer, subdued vibe is better for your space.

  • last year

    I think I am going to just live with a bare floor 😂

  • last year

    Love Ida Clare’s suggestions. Especially the second rug as it brings out the brass warmth of the coffee table. The room has so many cool tones, it’s nice to see some slight warmth.

  • last year

    Not sure how high traffic the room will be but if it were in my house (2 boys + large dog) i’d worry about that cream edging showing a lot of dirt fast, just a random thought

    i do really like the warmer colors that are posted above - would hate for the room to get too icy and not feel cozy

  • last year

    I like Ida Claire's suggestions a lot more. This is the room to put some pattern on the floor.

  • last year
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    I thought about the ivory edging getting dirty as well. I am looking at it and thinking yikes!

    as for the rugs posted, I think the first one maybe could look nice. I dont have any brass in the room ; my metals are chrome and brushed nickel. The other rugs have yellow in them. I found a llot of the blue rugs had yellow or orange in them and it just looks awfful in person;, throws the entire look of the room off and stands out not in a good way. That is why I moved away from the blue rugs. on the online visualizers, they look like they have potential , but every one I ordered was returned.

    I dont have any warm colors in my home, so i feel like when warm is attempted, it really doesn’t kook good.

  • last year

    Yeah, of the rugs I posted, I think the first one looks best in your room. But I wasn't necessarily suggesting any of those; moreso encouraging consideration of bringing more pattern into the space. And that can be done subtly but quite effectively with just the right rug. Don't give up... it's out there!

  • last year

    Thanks ida claire

    it seems impossoble! I need a nice pattern , 9x 12, the right color , for $350.

    I am hutting a wall no joke, over 15 rugs returned 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • last year
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  • last year

    That first one I posted is $299 with free shipping for a 9x12.

  • last year

    Thank you ladies

    i ordered a sample of the blue/ ivory kelly posted

    and iwill order the one ida posted- although on the website it looks teal and tan- it is impossible to tell online, so iI will give it a shot

    i also ordred this one. it says ” gray/ blue“ yet it looks like orange to me!!! owner reciews say they are pastel colors. if it is a pastel pink, with gray and blue , that may be pretty and could work, but no orange. I hate orange/ rust colors

    again, I will give it a try . 🤷‍♀️

    hubby didnt like the trellis rug. He said the edges look dirty and wasnt thrilled with it overall.

    i honestly do like my first one I posted - it is delicate, has a detailed pattern, and does look pretty in the room . if these 3 are a bust, I am just getting the first one I posted . i give up. LOL

  • last year

    For a large rug on a budget, I think you can’t beat a seagrass. Unlike jute, they don’t shed and can be scrubbed with soap and water. It’s a real, natural material. It adds organic texture to your space. This one is $385 for a 9x12 and comes in several border colors. I think for your room I’d do the beige or black so it complements instead of matching.

    And then once you get settled more and figure out your accent colors, you could get a real wool rug to layer over it. Or just leave the seagrass forever. I’ve had seagrass with kids and dogs for more than a decade—love it!

  • last year

    That looks exacrlly like my floor

    That really not what i am

    looking for. Thank you though for the suggestion!!

  • last year

    Jute and seagrass area rugs are often suggested on Houzz and I wonder why people are so enamored of them. Don't they have a scratchy feel when you walk on them barefoot or in socks? How comfortable could they possibly be to sit on? It seems like an area rug should be softer in look and in feel than jute.

  • last year

    Ok. Yes they’re not super comfy to sit on. I like how it feels barefoot though. I just think an organic material is better/richer looking than nylon or poly. But I think you have a good foundation in your room and could use a variety of rugs.

  • last year

    I can’t edit in the app, but to answer nester’s question— jute and sisal are rougher, seagrass is smoother. To the OP, I would just caution against making your entire house full of “new” things; it can make a space feel flat or one-dimensional. I think a home needs some vintage and antique to give it soul. You could have fun shopping Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, or estate sales to find unique pieces. I also think it is OK to have some unfinished rooms until you find the perfect piece for your space. A beautiful home that is uniquely you takes time.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Yes, they are very rough. They definately offer a more organic and natural esthetic. I personally do not like the texture and also, my home style is really more transitional. I honeslty dont adhere ro one decor style, I just buy what I like 😂 but if I had to descirbe it, I guess that would be the closest. I feel like jute/ seagrass rugs work well in boho, farmhouse, type style homes, if you like those type of rugs. I do need and prefer a softer rug for both decor style and prefernce. But again, I truly appreciate all the great suggestions! I welcome all ideas!!

  • last year

    thank you stiley. I understand what you are saying and agree, things take time. We have lived here 10 years, and I do have things of my own and that were my parents that have meaning to me, and that will be placed back. however , we got rid of all major furnishings, and they need to be replaced. I dont particualryl like buying used though.

  • last year
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    A hand knotted loop wool rug on a good pad is really the only thing I know for any permanent rug that will last forever and is reasonable. And is also the coziest and is washable.

    Find something you like and wait for it to go on clearance.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Received this sample today that someone suggested. It looked like a light blue diamond pattern online, but in person looks nothing like it

    in person it looks pretty bad. The design is not nice and there really no blue color as the description stated. Being returned.

  • last year

    Do you have a HomeGoods or TJ Maxx nearby? They have rugs and carry 9 x 12 although not as many as smaller sizes. It helped me a lot to see ones in person, take a pic of the tag and then look them up online. Sometimes I was shocked at prices for bigger sizes but sometimes I found them at reasonable prices. It also just let me see more rugs in person. If you don't have a HG/TJ look at Home Depot, Lowes, Menards to see what kind of inspiration their rugs give.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Other sample rugs arrived. the one suggested by ida was teal green and brown, despite being labeled blue/ gray

    the colored one was orange, not blush like ti looked online

    this one was okay. not in love with jt it but it could work I do wish it had a light blue in it, but its a taupey- gray and white. same rig different lighting

  • last year

    All 9x12, all under $350, all free shipping & returns

    SAFAVIEH Adirondack Collection Area Rug - 9' x 12', Light Grey & Grey, Modern Ombre Design (ADR113C) :

    SAFAVIEH Adirondack Collection Area Rug - 9' x 12', Ivory & Silver, Modern Ombre Design (ADR113B):

    SAFAVIEH Sofia Collection 9' x 12' Ivory/Blue SOF330C :

    NuLOOM Moroccan Blythe Area Rug Color: Dark Grey:

    Artistic Weavers Desta Vintage Oriental Area Rug :

    SAFAVIEH Madison Collection Area Rug - 9' x 12', Cream & Silver, (MAD600D):

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    No luck with area rug yet, however I was at home goods and saw these pretty blush pillows. They werre a steal so decided to buy them and try them out to incorporate onto my color scheme of light blue, gray, ivory and white . I can always return them if it doesnt look good or doesnt work out.

    i thought maybe I could see if I can find a rug that has both blush and blue in it . we shall see 🤷‍♀️

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Got 2 new sample rugs thoughts?

    this one is various shades of blue with ivory

    this one is light gray, light blue and off white

  • last year

    I like them both, but #2 is definitely my fav! It’s so lovely.

    gtdj519 thanked Jilly
  • last year


    gtdj519 thanked cpartist
  • last year
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    i added a few more pics to the previous post of pics to try to capture the colros / designs. I know on screen they look pretty flat and plain gray. But there are shades of blue in both rugs. They just don’t photograph well.

    I like both rugs. At least I have 2 possible options! as opposed to the ever growing pile of returns 😂

  • last year
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    2 the gray Persian, So gorgeous. It would look even better in a larger size. This rug works with the ceiling paper nicely. The floral, the color the scale.

    gtdj519 thanked tracefloyd
  • last year

    I like the 2nd one, but the 1st one looks like it would go well in your entry?

    gtdj519 thanked Kelly Jones
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thank you everyone for your opinions so far!

    Whatever rig i choose, I need a 9x12 size.

    my only reservation with rug 2 is that when i place the rug under the sofa, loveseat and end tables so that the front legs of all those items are all on the rug,, i am concerned that a good portion of the design will get cut off. see how it is a center medallion type design? it looks beautiful looking at it in full scale, but how will it look once recessed under furniture? does that matter??

    whereas the first rug has a uniform pattern, so nothing of the design is really getting cut off.

    i am not sure if what I am trying to explain makes sense. i marked in the pic approximately where the rug would need to be under each piece of main furniture. Do the end tables front legs need to be on the riug? i would think not, as wouldnt that make it wobble? however, i read mixed answers and dont know- fully on the rug, front legs only on the rug, fully off the rig???

    If anyone can chime in about ti, that would be great

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    It makes perfect sense and is really just a personal preference type of thing, no right or wrong.

    I have a colorful Oriental medallion rug partway under my sofas, and off-center of my coffee table, and it doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t even notice it; it’s just part of the design to me. Plus my coffee table is large and solid wood, so it’s not very noticeable.

    But I know symmetry is important to you, so it certainly might be an important factor here. All that matters is how you feel about it.

    gtdj519 thanked Jilly
  • last year

    Got it understood I wasn't sure if there was a rule of thumb about it or not.

    sny clue about the end tables? are they fully on a rug, front legs only, fully off??

  • last year

    Did you look at rugs when you were at Homegoods? Where I live not all stores carry 9 x 12 rugs, so you might need to look at another store.

  • last year
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    Re: end tables and rugs — that’s something that depends upon what size a rug is, how much is under seating, what the style and size of the end table is, how thick a rug is, the decor style, etc.

    I think in your case, the front legs of your sofas and end tables would look best on the rug, unless you get a large enough rug that all legs — sofas and end tables — can fit on it. I don’t remember what your measurements are. But just having front legs on would be fine.

    gtdj519 thanked Jilly
  • last year

    Thanks jilly

    i was thinking 9x 12 originally, as i have always read bigger was better

    however, since only the front legs of sofas and end tables need to be on, i am seeing if an 8x10 would work .

    that would actually be a good rhing, as more is available in 8x10 and also more affordable - the jump from 8x10 to 9x12 cost is significant

    li am measuring now to see if it may work with 8x10. it may not, but worth trying 🤷‍♀️

  • last year
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    The medallion would look nice under that coffee table. Your end table and coffee table are clear. Go for the larger size.

    You don't give the manufacturer or maker on any of these rugs that I can see, nor a link to the items, so it's hard to suggest which ones based on anything other than the pattern and color.

    If this is a really well made wool rug, yes, it will be more expensive in a larger size but worthi it because it will last a lifetime.

    You can find a vintage original Persian that's a little worn and shampoo it. That would last a lifetime and be cozy. A little Woolite? But you don't want "used"?

  • last year

    Thank you traciefloyd.

    no, I do not want a used rug.

    these 2 rugs are both from Safaveih

    here are the names/item numbers

  • last year
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    Thank you so much...and a full hearty recommend for the Audette! Wait for it to go on clearance. We did and it was worth it. A nice wool loop from Feizy, but same thing. That micoloop is nice. Love the color and pattern....nice scale to complement the wallpaper...ceiling paper.

  • last year

    Thanks traciefloyd.

    They are both microloop , i believe (?) ive looked at so many, i don’t remember LOL.

    i dont have wallpaper iin my living room.

    i have it on entryway ceiilingliking, which is a floral. and I have a half wall of wallpaper in my dining room, which is a solid gray textured shimmer wallpaper/ which csn go with anything. here is a pic. My DR of off my LR. You cant really see the shimmer in the wallpaper in a pic, but its there

  • last year

    Yes I meant the entry ceiling but that other nice. I haven't heard of microloop but it looks to be a tighter weave. Great Dining Room, I noticed a same rug as the Audette but round. Are they the same color?

  • last year
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    Thank you traciefloyd. no, the DR rug is not from the samecollection or design as the Audette.

    it is also s rug by safaveih , but it from the brentwood collection. its somewhat of a similar color to the audette - like a light blue-gray.

    the pics i post here online doesnt show the rug colors well at all ! everything looks flat gray in pics!! So frustrating

  • last year
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    I have the West Elm Distressed Foliage rug (Moonstone) in my house. It looks great in person. I love it.

  • last year

    Thank you anna_682. That is very pretty, but it looks a touch navy(?) hard to tell online.

    I actually chose a rug. It was between the medallion and the abstract trellis below. I went with the abstract trellis, as the medallion rug would have ended up off centered from the coffee table/ center of fireplace. I have an akward shaped LR. I know some people dont mind it, but it would have made me cross eyed 😂

    the other rug has a more uniform pattern, so I wouldn’t have that issue. The blend of light blues in the rug were also a really nice compliment to my light blue wall color. I think it will work well Fingers crossed. Should arrive this week.

  • last year

    Update …

    our rug was delivered today. Still working on the accessories/ mantle/ / table touches, etc may terak and move the furniture around it , but here is the rug result. i am glad I went with the 9x12, I think it fits nicely.

    the colors do not photograph well,( they never do!!) but the rug is different shades of light blue and ivory.