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Paint color for entryway/ hallway?

last year
last modified: last year


i had prevously posted for ideas for my entry, but have now decided what I will be doing and narrowed down my chocies. We are finishing up major renovations and will be painting our entryway/hallway and will be wallpapering the ceiling. The walls will be a very pale light gray ( choosing between samples)

Which wallpaper do you think may look best on the ceiling?

thanks in advance for the opinions and help!!

Entryway ceiling

New light fixture being installed

The 2 wallsppers im deciding between - thet are both a mix of light blues, light gray and white

Mosaic floral

abstract watercolor floral

the living room is off the entry, so these are our new sofa and loveseat, and coffee tbale to give an idea of style in the surrounding area. Other Furnishings will be added.

The living room is being painted a very pale blue/ gray - benjamin more Silver Cloud. I would say that My home leans transitional style.

Coffee table

Comments (220)

  • last year
    last modified: last year


    I chose the wallpaper for my ceiling I went with the York gray floral.

    living room painted , and I love it; gorgeous ethereal blue color called Silver Cloud.

    Picking a hallway wall color is giving me a migraine . I want a light gray to pick up the wallpaper tone. and also the gray color of sofas in LR. I tested dozens and settled on Silver Satin. Painter put first coat and its looking beige to me ( despite samples looking gray)!! I asked him to stop and go no further. Has anyine had this issue with Silver Satin looking beige? I know lighting affects color, and its a dark hallway.

    I know monitors are different, bur does it look beige? Ironically, the color does in fact look nice with the wallpaper, as when i put gray next to it, it shows a different tone. The wall art in the pics I was thinking of hanging somewhere on the walls, I though it looked pretty with the wallpaper design. you can see the difference of gray tones from the wall color, to the fabrc in the art, i feel the wall looks beige (?(

    do you think the silver satin loos nice with the LR wall color and wallaper , or should I change the wall color?

  • last year

    Google "silver satin reviews." There are several. They will give you some insight. Perhaps a good color person at your Benjamin Moore store can help too.

    gtdj519 thanked hazwe
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    I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say I love that Maple Glaze! So pretty! I think a gray would be nice with it but unfortunately I don't have any specific color suggestions. Since you already know you like it, could you start with the Chelsea Gray color strip and try something lighter/further down the strip? Does the Behr website have a color tool where you might see colors that compliment the Maple Glaze? I think BM's site has something like that. Good luck!
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    What color is in your entry and hallways?


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    bongalow, I think what happened to the cornsilk in your foyer is that it is up against the dark wood and in a small space so the color is more intense. I have some samples hanging on a white door (I'm trying to find colors for my new home) and it is much lighter than it shows in your foyer. My own experiene is, I've always had difficulty matching paint colors to wood trim. I use to have wood trim in this house, but after 2 paint jobs ending in paint I hated, I just went ahead and painted all the wood white to save my sanity. HA! I'm not recommending that for you, just wanted to share my experience.
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    Need help with paint colors for entry and hall!


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  • last year

    You might also change your title on this to something about paint color. There are some good color people on Houzz as well.

    gtdj519 thanked hazwe
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thanks hazwe. good suggestions !

  • last year

    The issue I see on my monitor is your living room gray has more of a cool undertone and the gray in your foyer (and wallpaper) is absolutely a warm gray. If you choose a cool gray for the hallway, I'm worried it will look off with the wallpaper you chose.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thanks cparttist

    yes, the silver cloud in the LR is a cool color. it is a soft blue gray .

    the wallpaper gray is a slight bit of a warm gray, bit it has varying shades, sort of a mix of slight warm and cool (?)

    I am fine with mixing warm and cool, as it can be done and looks nice in my opinion. I like the look when done right I am just having a hard time finding the right wall color for the hall. the silver satin looks nice when in the samole, or held next to the wallpaper, the color looks great. but once on the walls and affected by lighting / shadows , it looks beige, and also the entry and hallway look completely different due to no windows / natural light in the hallway , and shadow light in the entryway . maybe I should just paint the walls white ?? I was hoping to highlight a gray color, but they are all looking off once on the wall.

    very frustrating. I seriously hate this entry/hallway. LOL

  • last year

    This is what you are currently trying to get to work together? Silver cloud paint and grey sofa in living room, with the wallpaper on ceiling with silver satin walls in the adjoining foyer?

    gtdj519 thanked A M
  • PRO
    last year

    I would try matching the background of the wallpaper for the wall color in entry. It will flow nicely into your other spaces. Then add a couple accessories in your adjoining room in that color. Perhaps a couple pillows in a texture like velvet or even feathers for a sofa. A throw draped over a arm of chair or the back of chair would tie the entry nicely. If you have LED bulbs, try warmer ones and see if that helps too. 2500-3000. Wallpaper is great!!! Can’t wait to see it up!!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Correct A M . the hallway/ entry color is driving me crazy , as everything i put looks beige due to no natural lighting/ / shadows. One small area of the entry wall looks nice with the silver satin , as it gets a bit of light from living room window, but the rest all looks beige! it kooks no different from the previous hallway color we had which was simply white, which once again, looked yellow/ beige !! i am so aick of dreary beige !! 😂

    I am trting to acheieve a soft light gray wall in similar tone to the flowers. The silver satin wall color is actually a great match oFF of the walls, it looks nice held agsinst the wallpaper, nice on ONE small area of the entry which gets some light , looks nice on sample boards , paint swatch etc. , but once applied all over, , it goes downhill.

  • last year

    fli Mangan, the backround of the wallpaper is white Should I just paint the walls an off white? All the trims throughout the house is Chantilly Lace. I was thinking if I did white walls, maybe one with a grey undertone like decorator white?

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    And the wallpaper is York floral dreams in gray (no yellow), right? Like this?

    Your photo does look very beige on my screen. Maybe distant gray could work?

    Also, do you have a living room rug because the color of the floor is playing into this

  • last year

    issue solved!! My painter is great; we added a few more samples to the wall and I decided on BM Mountainscape aka Pure white. It has a soft subtle gray undertone and no beige showing!! You can see the tone difference where he did a side by side.

    it looks much better in the space overall, much brighter and cleaner looking. it also works with the other fixed elements around the house and will i think will work well with the wallpaper too..

  • PRO
    last year

    Well, just in case, I specified SW Rhinestone for a client for their secondary bathroom. I think it’s just what your entry needs. Check it out. Might work beautifully with your adjoining spaces.

  • PRO
    last year

    We completely gutted this bathroom and it turned out beautiful!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Looks beautiful Flo! Funny … we were testing rhinestone! its a very pretty color in the other rooms we viewed it in, , but in my hallway it was leaning a smidgin blue.

    Ive been looking at the mountainscape, as they work and i am loving it. it is so delicate and calming. it is looking very pretty and definatlely more of what I was hoping for. it looks very similar to the esthetics of the rhinestone color bathroom you did. great job on that; looks fantastic! love the floors

  • PRO
    last year

    Great! Glad you hit on right color with your light. I just wanted to mention it. Just in case. Looking forward to seeing finished entry! Very exciting!!

  • last year

    Thanks flo! it was a great siggesrion and one we thought of as well. Maybr rhinestone for another room and another project! 😊 it sure is a pretty color. you have all been great and I appreciate rhe kindness and help!!

  • last year

    Can’t wait to see! :)

  • last year

    I like the softer version on the right as it's subtle and will blend well with the wall paint.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Not done, bur just showing the progress

    hallway color changed and I love it so much better!! Beige be gone!! turned out a beautiful barely there soft gray color.

    wallpaper partially up on ceiling and i am in love with the early results!!! the ceiling is going ro look fabulous I think!!

  • last year

    IMO it looks fabulous!

    gtdj519 thanked ilikefriday
  • last year

    Agree with Friday! Wow! Great choice.

    gtdj519 thanked Jilly
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thanks Jilly and likefriday! !

    i am so happy i took the leap and went for it So grateful for the help from everyone that helped support my vision with ideas and suggesrions. cant wait to see it all done. I already love walking in the door more now!’ LOL

  • last year

    I thought of you this morning; this popped up on my IG.

    Now because of seeing yours, and this one, I’m really, really wanting to wallpaper a ceiling somewhere. :D

  • last year


    Do it! Start a thread. I want to see the process!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Oh wow! what a difference in that pic.

    the person must live in NY, with the locarion of upper west side. typical Apartments are small here is NY, wirh small entries/ rooms , so they roo tried to make to make the most of their space. Looks great for them! I say go for it Jilly!! Don’t let yourself get talked out of it. its such a fun way to add an unexpected element of design that can make a nice impact, even if it is a small space you are working with

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Enablers! 🤣

    I so wish I could, but two nopes: textured ceilings and open concept. :(

    I’ll live vicariously through you two ….. because I know it’s happening, FRIDAY. :D

  • last year

    Ok. Then do a stencil instead and in a small space. Powder room???

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    LOL… makes sense wirh textured ceiling and open concept. That makes it difficult. maybe a bathroom or bedroom if the ceilings are smooth there?? Thise would be great spaces to trt it as well if able to.

  • last year

    Hmm … y’all have me thinking … :D

  • PRO
    last year

    Going great! Love your courage to do something new and different!

  • last year

    Thanks flo mangan! you and others have been instrumental in helping me along with this project process. I appreicate it so much .

  • last year

    It’s looking great already! Changing the paint did it. Can’t wait to see the final photos. And yes, @Flo Mangan is extremely talented and generous with her help.

    gtdj519 thanked RedRyder
  • last year

    thanks redryder!! agree rhe paint change made a geat difference.

    dark hallways with no natural light are so darn difficult!! ugh!

    I am always happy to connect with nice members on here. that is what this site is all about and why I enjoy it so much.

  • last year

    Really looking good!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    All done!!!

    all I can say is WOW… what a diffence this made!!! I know it was a mkxed bag of opinions and suggestions, but i have zero regrets and I am so glad I did this. The wallpaper actually makes the entry look bigger! i didnt expect that at all. There was no issue at all withe the unfinished end without crown molding; nothing had to be added, the wallpaper is seamless and flush to the end.

    the colors are soft gray blends, with charcoal sketched outlines. It almost looks hand drawn I think the design is open and fluid and airy. Has a beautiful flow The new lights look very pretty too ( i think anyway -LOL) i now have to move back the tree hall, add s mirror/ art , and entry rigs ( another headache, as its long and shorter/ wider at different points. I need some suggesrions for that ( maybe 2 rugs? one ar door and then one at steps?? )

    Big thank you to all who helped me throigh this. You are wonderful 😊

    Now the final touches 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I LOVE IT! WOW! That paper was the perfect choice.

    It looks so beautiful! I’m saving this thread for future posters (and me, lol) thinking of doing this.

    Thanks for showing us updates, I’m so excited for you. Do you keep going in there to stare at it? 😍

    gtdj519 thanked Jilly
  • last year

    It is fabulous! The wallpaper made a world of difference and has elevated the area a few notches. The light fixture looks great also and allows the wallpaper to be the star.

    gtdj519 thanked ilikefriday
  • last year

    Thank you likefroday and Jilly

    i am shocked at what a difference it made . I was nervous about the liight fixture getting lost and not looking nkce, and I was stuck with it as it couldn't be returned. bur I agree, once put up, it is also very light and airy looking and the clear glass allows the wallpaper to show through and be the focus The polished nickel metal adds a beautiful sparkle element.

    my neck hurts from looking up 😂

  • PRO
    last year

    So proud of your courage to be different and I think you have transformed this space in a marvelous way!! Might have started a new trend!!! Yes, it expands the look of the space. Congratulations on a great job. Worth all your work and searching!

    gtdj519 thanked Flo Mangan
  • last year

    Thank ypu Flo Mangan! i appreciate your kind words and guidance. I appreciate all your mock ups, and seeing this ine in a mock up made me reconsider it and I am so happy I did.

  • last year

    Oh wow I LOVE it! looks so fabulous - you must be thrilled :) it is always good to consider opinions/advice and then do what feels right to you

    (i wallpapered my stair risers with a crazy botanical print and still adore them 10 yrs later)

    gtdj519 thanked la_la Girl
  • last year

    Thanks la_la Girl. Wow….stair risers sounds really interesting that must look fantastic. I love pops of pretty in unexpected places .

  • last year


    gtdj519 thanked cpartist
  • last year

    Yes, I love unexpected pops, too. I wallpapered the inside doors of my kitchen cabinets with a blue and gold geode-ish paper. Still makes me smile every time I open a door. I used another paper - gold and cream snakeskin - on the inside doors of another cabinet in my living room. There is a hidden surprise behind every door in my house....

  • last year

    Thanks so much cpartist. Your expertise in wallpaper was helpful along the way with this project and my DR. My dining room is also finished being wallpapered. looks great too.

    i need to figure out area rugs/ art art/ mirror for the entry now . another akward layout. Ive never been happy with what Ive used over the years. I will make a separate post

    wow AM that sounds really cute and fun ideas ! good for you!

  • last year

    Love how that turned out! Would never have thought of wallpaper on the ceiling but wow! That really elevates the space.

    gtdj519 thanked mmmm12COzone5
  • last year

    It absolutely looks like you paid someone to get up on a ladder and hand draw those flowers! It looks amazing. It takes courage to do something “out of the box” like wallpapering an entryway ceiling but with a lot of great Houzzers, you got an AMAZING entryway.

    What color and length are you needing for the entryway rug? I would do one long one.

    I’m starstruck by your ceiling…. 😍

  • last year