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Mea culpa - now how do I fix this?

last year

No finger wagging please - I am beating myself up already! But here we are.

My goal was to clean the frame of this mirror and remove some of what I think is remains of a previous cleaning but maybe it's just the way the metal ages. I remember this mirror from my childhood being a bit brighter - not shiny but more definition, raised areas a bit brighter and I do not remember any of the white in the recesses. Could that be remnants of a cleaning agent of some kind? I can well imagine that my grandmother might have tried to clean it and my horrified mother (it was her mirror) stopping her. Too bad she couldn't stop me. I've had this mirror for over 25 years but it's been stored in a closet for the last 8 so maybe my memory of the finish is off.

Sadly, this is where it is now - the only good news is I stopped.

What (if anything) do I do now? Or do I just accept the mismatch and hang it as is?

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