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Where to start and stop kitchen “back-splash” tile?

last year

Tile has become more decorative than just functioning as backsplash, so I’d like to go to the ceiling since it would be a statement. Some say no because the cabinets don’t go all the way up, while others say it’s a personal preference and could look great. Thoughts on these options?

  1. Tile up to the bottom of the first shelf to the right of the window. ( not installed yet, but there will be two shelves and a light) Tile would go horizontally to the microwave cabinet on the right side and to the cabinet on the left side of the window as well. Tile will essentially go half way up the triple window.

  2. Do the above, but also tile up and around the bay window on all three sides to the ceiling.

  3. Do all of the above and continue above the left bank of cabinets and finish the look with a piece of a schluter trim to the ceiling on the left side.

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