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How to modernize and update exterior

last year
last modified: last year

Help! This home in the South was built in 1962. It has some original mcm features inside including a wood-paneled den and original blue tile bathrooms. I am keeping as much as original as I can. Where I'm really struggling is with the outside. I only intend on staying here around 5 years but the exterior needs a major face-lift.
Without spending too much money, how can I transform the exterior so it's more appealing and has a more modern look to it?
So far my thoughts are..
- I removed the shutters.
- Paint!! This is an obvious first step. I'm thinking a blue/grey which I don't think will clash with red shingle roof.
- I really want to replace the round columns. But with what?! That's a pretty big DIY undertaking I think.
- New lights and removing the lamp.
- New numbers.
- New mailbox.
- Updated door.
- Landscaping.What do I do about gable vent? Paint colors? Should I add wood accents? Should I even try to modernize it and risk failing or should I keep pretty much as is and refresh with paint and lights? Thoughts?
Ps- Still working on interior as well. Paint, fixtures, artwork, furniture, etc. The interior pics where taken before I started any projects.
We used to live in a wonderful mcm Charles Goodman Butterfly roof home and I'm really longing for another modern gem which I know this won't come close to touching on that. But hoping I can make it appeal to my tastes more.
Thanks for any and all advice.

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