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Ideas and Advice for Furniture Layout Please

last year
last modified: last year

I would really appreciate suggestions for the best furniture pieces for seating in this family room area.

The dotted line is where the carpet stops. Fireplace area and Playroom/Bunk room are carpeted - the rest is LVP.

The TV will be to the left of the fireplace - either wall hung or on a narrow console.

The fireplace has a raised hearth (16" high) on all three sides.

The center door on the long wall is a 36" outswing door to the patio.

Style wise, I will be looking for synthetic, easy care fabrics; no leather, no recliners.

More info: Drew this out on graph paper & then traced it onto plain paper.

("1 sq = 2 ft" to fit an 8 1/2" x 11")

It's our lower level walkout with a kitchenette. (The 10' island w/ sink & cabinets & fridge to the left.)

Fridge is 18 cu ft (small), and microwave in a cabinet. No cooktop or oven.

The room size is 15' wide x 50' 6" long (dining room wall to playroom door).

Total length of the house on the exterior is 75'.

Comments (11)