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How to hand dig, B&B and drum lace root balls

last year

The following is re-posted from the Professional forum which has fallen into deep slumber:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you visit your local wholesale yard you will see thousands of field grown, B&B stock all

machine dug and in wire baskets. The wire helps to protect the ball from the slings,

hooks and fork lifts that we use to move the plants around.

What to do if no machine is available and you need to dig a tree? We have to fall back on

the time honored method of hand digging. A major part of the value of the finishd plant

is in the quality of the B&B job. Here is how I hand dig a Hinoki Cypress.

Materials: burlap, spade (I use AM Leonard) file, pinning nails, felcos and calipers.

Tie up the branches, this protects the tree while digging and also while in transport.

Shave off the top until you reach roots. Define the size of the root ball, you can

consult American Standard for Nursery Stock for root ball sizes.

Dig down forming the root ball as you go, cut the roots with the sharp spade, use mattock if you

find stones.

Pin on the burlap.

Pin on the top ring of twine. I usually double the twine for this.

Make the bottom ring and go all around the root ball.

Remove the nails in the top ring and lace it up as shown to form the star. Ball will tighten up with

this step.

Break loose the ball at the bottom by tilting. If roots are coming out of the bottom they

will have to be cut. Don't try to lift the ball. Throw soil under the root ball as you tilt from

side to side and the ball will rise to the surface, then roll it out.

Patch up the bottom with burlap and lace it up, cinch it up good and tight. Move with ball

cart or loader.

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