Leaves of my bromeliad curling and turning brown
2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago
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- 2 years ago
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roses slowly turning brown and leaves curling up, what;s wrong
Comments (10)People are supposed to get their vitamins from their food; plants get theirs from the soil. Neither should depend on supplements. A plant should be able to live under local conditions. Fortunately, roses have lived all over the world all by themselves without soil ammendments, fertilzers, bone meal, phosphates, etc. Their mid-range Ph tells you they are more generalized than specialized. They won't survive in all environments, but in most, and some classes do better or worse here or there (see the discussion on killing Bourbons in Maryland in the Antique Roses forum). You should never add supplements until you have had your soil analized. 'Kill' is the important part of 'overkill.' If you have had your soil analized or the plant is showing specific symptoms of a nutrient failure, supplement that one thing. If the plant has been under stress or neglect, supplements are the equivalent of taking vitamins when you're ill. I Super-Thrive new plants and transplants and give them a good starter soil and I dig in an all-purpose organic fertilzer twice a year--plant feast days (feasting is an important part of balancing a diet; nature provides 'feasts' which we generally do not allow in our gardens). Otherwise, if a plant can't live off the local mother earth, s/he needs a new home....See MoreLeaves are turning brown and curling
Comments (3)Dreamchaser, does your pot have drainage holes? Why water so much? 2-3 times a day is way too much water. What type of soil are you using? Water only when soil is dry..stick your finger deep into the soil..Sometimes top soil looks dry, but midway to lower soil remains wet. If the soil is constantly wet, eventually roots aren't going to absorb water and/or fertilizers. Lifting the pot is another way to test soil..lift plant when soil is dry..it should be light in weight..then water, and lift again..pot will be heaver. The last resort is using a water guage. Rapitest sells guages from 15.00 and up. Make sure your container has drainage holes. If it doesn't plus you're over-watering, your citrus will die. I hope the soil your using is well-draining. Heavy soils stay wet much longer than fast-draining mediums. For the time being, remove dead leaves. They will NOT return green. Clip dead branches, if any. If citrus is in a pot without drainage holes, repot in a well-draining soil, in a container with drainage holes. If possible, place you tree outdoors, staring in semi-shady area working up to brighter light. How often do you fertilize? If often, you may need to leach soil, (run water into soil to remove excess salts) Good Luck, Toni...See Morehoya serpens leaves curling and turning brown
Comments (1)Sorry, Patrick, this is one I haven't grown in some yrs. That's why I couldn't really offer advice abt the withering stems which post I saw. I too suffer that ailment once in a while (esp. w/ Carnosas, which I have recently given up on). Have you unpotted it recetnly to check the drainage? I don't really know what to suggest other than the roommate needs to leave the windows alone or the plant is likely to get too cold &/or rot. I wouldn't water it if it's still cold, OR if watering move it well away from the cold windows....See MoreThe flower on my bromeliad has turned brown. What do I do?
Comments (0)Bromeliad flowers last longer than on most plants but eventually will start turning brown. You can then cut it off with scissors or a sharp blade. That plant will not bloom again but it will send out offsets (pups) near the base of the leaves, and these may flower....See MoreRelated Professionals
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