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It's pronounced "NACK-uh-tish", Your Best Phonetic Spelling Guide

Hello Rose Friends!

I have scoured the internet searching for videos of ANYONE saying Mme. Isaac Pereire. I say "Pear-air", but my local garden club friends say "Pear-E-Ay". I'll be honest, there are so many rose names for which I completely guess, and breeders too! Is Meilland pronounced "Mee-lan"? And Kordes? I've heard "Cords", "Cord-ays", and "Cord-is".

A few OGRs I have yet have no idea how to properly pronounce are: Comte de Chambord, Marie Pavie, Louis Philippe, Rose de Rescht, Mmd Ernest Calvat. There are a few David Austins too that leave me scratching my head.

In an attempt to educate myself and others, please share your best phonetic spelling of some commonly mispronounced roses/breeders. Pics are welcome of course! Thank you!

In the title, Natchitoches is pronounced "NACK-uh'tish" according to HMF.

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