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Backsplash ideas for remodel

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago


After a countertop redo due to the quartzite i chose having major issues, we are now in good shape with our replacement counters, which are honed namibian sky marble ( aka damasco white marble,, namib sky marble )

They are a bright white marble with swirls of light gray and light blue-gray. cabinets are chantilly lace.

floors are being refnished, paneling and crown molding have all been painted chantilly lace as well.

The color of the wall where dining table will be is TBD- as I want to figure out backsplash color first, the top above paneling it is just primed .

As you can see the kitchen / DR have been combined with a wall being removed, so im treating it as one room. If I do a white or gray backspalsh , I was thinking of painting the walls a blue gray. If I do a blue gray backsplash, I am not sure what color to paint the walls.

I am considering some type of variated white tile , a textured / dimensional white tile , a light gray tile, or a blue-gray tile. I’m not sure which way to go, and would love some suggestions or ideas to spring board off of.


Comments (151)

  • 2 years ago

    thats worth a look in a white...I could see that....depending on the shades they offer....that one is glossy.....do they have other sheen levels??? havent seen that tile before.

  • 2 years ago

    It was interesting i saw it in glossy, not sure what other finishes. they have a white that will work for me.

    heres the other front runners right now. the Akdo tiles are very hard to get a good pic of. They are simple, but the finish is unique. They

    are in a Luster finish; which is like a pearl finish. the blue or white could work. only comes in 4x12 though. i took a few shots trying to get a good angle.

    white beveled ceramic

    Two blues, but no matter how i try i cannot capture the true color. the pics look darker than in person. adko breeze and quemere ash crackle shape/ size can be whatever i want. just showing color

  • Related Discussions

    Backsplash or no Backsplash.


    Comments (27)
    yep that's my kitchen. Sorry it's not in your budget, but gpraceman does have a good idea about granite tiles. I have seen these used in place of granite slabs for the counter, when a budget dictated it. "To Me", they did not look that bad. I had to redo the area of the granite where the cook top is, due to a bad choice I made about cooktops, a 36" semi-circle Caldera. It died in about a year and the company went broke, so I had to replace it with a rectangular induction cooktop, Hence the granite rework. Well I could find Granite remnants (Arandis Gold) for next to nothing, (I paid about $75 for a little less than a half slab. So you may be able to do that too, and then have it cut to sizes you want for the tile, myself, the bigger the better, and the less grout lines. Thanks for your kind words about my kitchen, it is pretty unique, and as we tell folks here, Do what makes you happy, after all, it's your kitchen. For those of you that do like tiles and grout, that's great, as long as it's what you want, and you're not following others or doing what you "Think", might help sell the house later. Gary
    ...See More

    Backsplash or no backsplash?


    Comments (7)
    LOOOVE what you've done. That's going to be stunning. I have a small pass through that I created where there was a door and went through this same argument with myself. In the end, I stayed with the flat counter and now that the top has been installed I can tell I'm going to love the extra deep space. My situation is quite different though. It's where I plan to do baking things, and while mine is next to the dining room it doesn't overlook it. It will also serve as a landing zone for things going in/out to the back patio. I'm assuming the DR will have a casual feel and get daily use. Are there views into here from other rooms of the house? I was going to say "flat counter" since it appears you want the two rooms to really function as one. But given that the sink is there I think I would go for the raised counter. You don't want to be splashing into the DR. Tough call.
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    Pot filler w/ this backsplash too busy? Slab or tile backsplash?


    Comments (9)
    Hi Katie, Demo starts tomorrow, so no pics on progress yet, but I'll post when I have some. I'm working a little bit with a KD, and doing the rest myself with cabinetmaker. KD suggested open shelving like in the inspiration pic (but in stainless, specifically). I think it would stress me out though, lol! Having all of my bottles and stuff right out there (the range area is the focal point to basically my whole downstairs living area). My pantry rarely looks fabulous, and I'd be moving the pantry out into the open. So, I think we'll be making the vertical column things on either side of the mantel style range area into pull-out shelves for sheet pans, spices, small bottles, etc. I considered the open shelving with a pretty display of white bowls and dishes, but then I'd lose the storage space for the stuff I really need at my fingertips. Feel free to email me, too, if you want to exchange more ideas. It's a fun process!
    ...See More

    Backsplash or no backsplash


    Comments (20)
    So tired of hearing " but that will make it look dated" or "it wouldn't be good for resale" Everything is going to be dated at some point, the kitchen designers, cabinet companies and appliance companies make sure of that. Example: stainless steel appliances were just coming on the market 15 years ago when we gutted our kitchen for a remodel. It was hard for me to find stainless in my area at that time, I live in a small mid western town. So, have you noticed in the past few years appliance companies have been trying to bring out new colors, grayed looking stainless, now ice white etc. they are trying to make people think their stainless appliances are soon going to be "dated". But I have read in several articles that stainless is still the number one choice. I chose a cinnamon stained cherry wood for our new build. I thought about white because that is the trend right now, but I reasoned cherry cabinets will always be in style while the white trend Has just a few more years. I won't be a slave to trends. Just my opinion.
    ...See More
  • 2 years ago

    the blue akdo is a nice shade of blue......not gray blue so that is very nice . do the bevel options come in other whites? you have to judge the actual shade in real life I guess......

  • 2 years ago

    I love that last photo - very soft and pretty.

    gtdj519 thanked ffpalms
  • 2 years ago

    ^^^me too

    gtdj519 thanked Sofia
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I like that last blue grey crackle tile too. It is very pretty!

    So, I keep pretending as if this was my kitchen and asking myself what backsplash I would choose?

    When I remodeled my kitchen, I was in the ABB club for over two years. I am sure I had as many samples as you. I totally understand, the backsplash is the #1 hardest decision!

    I feel I must confess something that is a little hard for me to admit. For some reason, I feel like I am forcing myself to like the blue grey tiles. And I love the blue! What in the world is wrong with me?

    Do I dare admit that my gut has been leaning towards a soft white backsplash the whole time? Noooo, not boring white! Oh the horror!

    It totally goes against all my normal preferences. I usually love seeing color on the backsplash, especially when the kitchen is mostly all white like yours. You have the white cabinets and white marble. Yes, the marble has some of that blue grey color, but it is pretty much a white on white kitchen.

    This thread has been a little confusing for me. Since your marble looks mostly white, it is not like a super busy stone that demands all the attention as the one ”Star” of the kitchen

    If the backsplash tile is in a solid color, with a matching color grout, the lines do not stand out. It reads as mostly a solid color, with just a subtle pattern that is noticed when you get closer to it. Just as your countertop reads a solid color until you get up close and see the vein pattern.

    So then how come some say a solid tile with matching grout when in linear pattern like a herringbone will be hideously busy and compete with the star? But, if it is in a different pattern like a fish scale or arabesque then is is not competing? I guess I can see how the rounded edges are softer and mimic the softness of the marble veining that swirls. The angled lines are harsher and maybe too modern?

    I am just curious because I like to learn on this site about kitchen design, what works, what doesn’t, and why.

    So, I should shut up now and get to the point.

    When I saw that Akdo pearlescent white tile above, I got serious “ethereal elegant” vibes! You know what they say, “What is more elegant then a woman wearing a strand of white pearls?”

    I also love the soft subtle movement on the surface. It reminded me of gentle water rippling…. like from a flock of tiny cygnet following after their majestic mama swan. It is divine my darling! (Said in my best old Hollywood movie star voice) 😉🤣

    gtdj519 thanked rebunky
  • 2 years ago

    I forgot to say to the poster above that your kitchen with the amazonite quartzite is so beautiful! I like the size tiles that you used and in the 1/3 offset pattern. I did the same on my backspalsh too. I think my tiles were 3x9 though. I do regret that my grout had to be bigger then I wanted. I had to though due to them being handmade tiles. They are not perfectly flat and the sizes can be slightly off, so tighter grout causes lippage which would bother me even more the fat grout.

    I like the 4x12 size and think it will look very nice too.

  • 2 years ago

    Thank you sofia and ffpalms. yes, the blue in the Quemere tile is very pretty. The other 2 blue tiles are also very soft , even though they photograph darker. The 3 are almost all the same color, but the last one is a crackle glaze, which may be why it is photographing a bit more true to life (?) I cant figure out my phone camera for the life of me. LOL But the crackle glaze is a nice finish for sure .

    Rebunky - I feel like you took all the thoughts in my mind and put them in writing YES!!! Everything you stated I too am wrestling with. I am open to a bluish color backsplash, and love airy soft blues, but keep considering a white as well. The white pearl seems to keep pulling at me even though the blue pearl on the same board would work too; as would the other 2 glossy blues in the pics i posted . I am going to try and get loose samples of the Akdo boatd , as I would like to see each flush up against the counter without interference.

    Great analogy of the necklace- LOL

    I too cant understand what the difference is of a herringbone/ weave etc vs arabesque ,etc in terms of ” busyness” . perhaps the softer lines of a rounded pattern?? IDK

    I am still waiting on fireclay shipment with the Nickel color Sabrina Alfin Interiors suggested.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    try herringbone w a different tile .....different shade [medium blue of above glass tile dominates over your counter] / not glass- [too cold with your other surfaces -ceramic or porcelain are alot nicer ] .... not such a sharply modern angled presentation- [veers into modern..your kitchen isnt. ] if you like heringbone you can certainly do it.....but there are tons of other ways to execute than the medium blue glass one...but if you like that then go for it.

    Newlywed Nest · More Info

    Herringbone Subway Tile Backsplash · More Info

  • 2 years ago

    Someone just posted this link on another thread, and I thought it was a wonderful little essay on the beauty of “boring equals timeless”.


    gtdj519 thanked ffpalms
  • 2 years ago

    Thank you to everyone for your great ideas and suggesrions. We have narrowed it down to 3 choices so far. I received the fireclay suggesrion from Sabrina Alfin Interiros of nickel and i also chose moonshine. it was a great suggesron, but the nickel was a touch dark, and the moonshine is pretty, but I am concerned about the brown clay bleeding through around the edges and giving off a dark casring shadow once installed.

    So, These are the colors and tiles we narrowed it down to and the sizes available. Any opinions on them are appreciated. .

    Akdo blue ocean breeze - 4 x12 or 3 x6

    Akdo Luster White Pearl- 4x12

    Quemere Ash blue Crackle -any size or shape

    I am very torn which way to go. I have to keep in mind that my dining room is now incorporated with the kitchen after removing the wall. The panel around the dining room is already painted chantilly lace like the cabinets. We are going to tile up to the bottom of cabinets, and there will be 2 white floating shelves on the blank kitchen wall. Whatever color I paint the kitchen wall, will also be used for the DR walls, as it is now all one wall.

    My thoughts were if I did one of the blue tiles, I could paint the walls a blue as well, But, between walls and tile bith being bllue, would that be too much blue? I could also do light grey walls instead if I did a blue tille. I would not do white walls, as the shelves, cabinets, and DR paneling are all white ( chantilly lace)

    If we do the white tile, then I would paint the walls a shade of blue or blue-gray to bring the color into the kitchen .

    i added pics of DR so you have a full understanding of the space. I also designsted Ako with A and Quemere with Q, as rhey are both blue and hard to distinguish in pics.

    Thank you all so much!

  • 2 years ago

    You posted that the dining room chairs and table are staying. Are the chairs upholstered? If do, it might be helpful to post a photo of the fabric.

  • 2 years ago

    My chairs are upholstered in white seat and backs.

  • 2 years ago

  • 2 years ago

    I prefer the two blue choices over the white as that will accentuate the beauty of the stone. I think you still have enough distinction between kitchen and dining room that the walls could be a different color. Both the bulkhead and wainscot set the rooms apart. You could stop the kitchen wall color where the base cabinets/floating shelves end. Paint is easy (relatively) to redo if you really hate it.

    Formerly in our combined family room/kitchen, the ceiling was two different colors and the line of demarcation was a diagonal that ran from an upper cabinet peninsula soffit to the pantry door. For the longest time, I thought it was just a shadow LOL. If it looks intentional, I think it will be good. My ceiling just looked like a mistake.

    gtdj519 thanked Linda
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I also prefer the 2 blues. Kind of partial to the subtle crackle of the Quemere, plus , as you say, lots of size and shape options.

    gtdj519 thanked clt3
  • 2 years ago

    I also really like the crackle . Good luck, you are closing in!

  • last year
    last modified: last year


    thank you to everyone for your suggestions and input. We chose Akdo 4x12 tile in the color called Breeze ( love the name too LOL) It is solid a glossy soft blue- gray. Tiles arrived yesterday and awaiting install. I will post pics once done. It sure was tough finding the right shade; but it is a soft and elegant color. I think it will be the right shade of blue to compliment the marble and I am excited to see the larger tile size as a backsplash . I feel good about it. Your guidance helped and is appreicated! fingers crossed it looks nice once fully installed !!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    UodateUpdate… Tile was installed today. Went wirh the 4x12 blue gray glossy tile by Akdo. I love the soft blue color and have no regret.

    I need to pick s grout color by tomorrow.

    I can go with either a white grout , which is most contrast, , light gray grout which is subtle contrat or a blue- gray, grout which blends with the tile. I have Mapei Avalance ( white white) Mapei Frost ( light gray) Mapei Rain ( light blue gray) . each with render a different look. they are all nice in theirnown way in my opinon. Opinions appreciated.!!!!

    rain below

    Frost below

    Avalanche below

  • last year

    I have just seen this thread today, and confess I haven't read all of it, but I am glad that you chose the blue tile. The white that you were considering is lovely, but the differences in sheen and "texture" from the counter would bother me if in my kitchen.

    That said, I vote for the blue grout.

    Have you decided on wall color? I wouldn't do blue on one area and gray in the other, and actually wouldn't do a gray at all with your floors - but if you don't want to carry a matched-to-tile blue through the space, you can use a subtle change that perhaps has a slightly lighter or darker or small difference in tone - like a gray-green-blue - that won't be overwhelmingly obvious but will just give the dining room a different feel.

    gtdj519 thanked raee_gw zone 5b-6a Ohio
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thanks for your vote raee!

    agree the white was very pretty but blue was the better choice. The marble has light blue and light gray veining and ithe backsplash accentuates the marbles blue tones beautifully.

    i am notnsure what color to paint DR. I thought about a shade of blue, but feel like its going to be a whole lot of blue with the paint (?) That is why I was considering a very pale gray. Grays actually do look really nice with my floors. I had them refinished , so they are lighter than what is pictured Previously. They are white oak, and I just did rhe natural to keep them light in color and get rid of the yellowy/ orange color that they had.

  • last year

    Wow!!! Looks amazing!

    My choice would be the Rain. It looks like a perfect match to the tile. I like it better when the grout blends with the tile verses the grout lines being highlighted.

    gtdj519 thanked rebunky
  • last year

    Thank you rebunky. appreciate your grout vote and compliment. it was a rough chocie, but I feel good about the tile.

    youve been so kind in taking an interest and giving ideas and suggestions. I appreciate you

  • last year

    I like "rain" -- I think it blends well with the beautiful tile you've installed. It looks beautiful and will be even better after grouting.

    gtdj519 thanked Linda
  • last year

    thank you so much Linda. I appreciate your kind words and vote. picking a grout is tough! each one brings a different look for sure.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    now that its fully dry, my concern wirh the rain on the sample board is that ir seems to dry with dark and light areas. almost an uneven color. (?) to me, it looks like the middle is darker than the sides. the rain is the top sample

    white and frost are split on the bottom sample

    its only the sample he did, but if that were the case and it dries uneven in color, should I do the frost, which is a light gray? its the bottom right.

    no one in the house likes the avalanche white. I dont hate it, but I do find it the most contrasting.

    Close up rain

  • last year

    I love everything you have done. My suggestion is a beautiful subtle wallpaper for your dining room walls ?

    gtdj519 thanked dmlar
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thank you very much dmlar. its been a lot of decisions , and many people on here have been kind and helpful throughout the process. i will consider a wallpaper. Thank you for that idea. I was actually thinking of adding a grasscloth wallpaper to the back of glass storage cabinets and possibly to my entry hall . I will see how those goes and also consider DR idea instead; as I dont want wallpaper everywhere, but i wouldd definateltly like to add it somewhere in my home.

    i figured out why the rain grout looks uneven. It is sanded grout. that grout color rain does not come in unsanded. Im not sure i want the sanded grout for the backsplash. For an unsanded grout, that would leave me with the avalanche white or light gray frost .

  • last year

    I really like the frost and would have said that even before you mentioned the drying issue with rain

    gtdj519 thanked A M
  • last year

    Thank you A M

    i am not sure if the fact that the rain is a sanded grout, has anything to do with it. Does anyone know if sanded grout has a tendency to dry uneven in color? I really have no clue..

  • last year

    Some googling tells me there are a variety of reasons for grout to be inconsistent in color. Could be it wasn't well mixed or one section dried faster than another. I like the "rain color and would be inclined to make up a fairly large (18"x18") sample board to see how it really looks before rejecting it.

    gtdj519 thanked Linda
  • last year

    Appreocate rhar info linda.. I will ask the installer about it and have another sample made to see how it looks second time I really hate grout LOL

  • last year

    I like the frost. It would not surprise me if when he was mixing such a small sample that it didn’t get mixed well. No grout should have a light area and a dark area. Mapei grout is excellent grout.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thank you J Mig

    that could possibly be it as well I agree, color variation shoudlnt happen . Ive always used mapei, and I agree it produces good products. Im going to ask for another sample

  • last year

    I have sandy grout in a pewter color. It is not the same company as yours but it definitely does NOT dry in different tones.

    gtdj519 thanked maddox921
  • last year

    thanks maddox921

    Yes, I wouldn’t think that it should be drying in uneven color either.

  • last year

    I like the frost color grout

    gtdj519 thanked anna_682
  • last year

    I like the frost color grout. Your kitchen is beautiful!

    gtdj519 thanked Jen g
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I would definitely give the Rain another chance. It should not be splotchy like that. Not sure but I think the rain might come in a certain bag that says it can be for sanded or unsanded applications? Your tiler should know. But I know you do want unsanded is want the tiny grout lines.

    The reason i hesitate with the Frost is because to my eye it looks like it has a hint of a pink cast to it, especialky when next to the cool light blue grey. Not sure if it is that way in person, but here is a photo from the Mapei site. To me it looks like the sand in the photo has the same color as the Frost. See how the grey blue rock brings out the pink?

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thank you rebinky! unfortunately mapei discontinued the unsanded grout in rain. The only option is sanded. I have been looking all weekend and no luck you are corrext in that the bag states it can be used for sanded or unsanded jobs, but it is a sanded grout . The only place that seems to have the unsanded in rain is a place called Belk Tile online. They are probably selling whatever leftover bags they have of the unsanded rain grout. I am going to call tomorrow and try to speak with someone, but I have never heard of them , so im a but leary. If they sound legit, I will buy it from them if they have enough for my job.. The color is a perfect color for the tile. What is confusing me even more than the uneven color, is that the mapei site and bag of the sanded grout says it can be used on 1/16 tile lines. But everythng I read and have been advised on houzz, says to use unsanded. im so confused!! For as much as I want the rain to work, I also dont want to have a problem on my hands once its done. Im so frustrated and just want it done; Im hitting a wall with this job🤦🏼‍♀️

    As for the frost being pink undertone , I do not see that in person. I have frost in s bathroom; looks very pale gray , almost white. The sample board with the blue tile, looks very light gray as well. Inahree that the online color chart looks a bit off. I dont think its a good example of it. These computers make it so difficult to get a feel for colors!

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I used the silver shadow and the slate blue grout colors in my bathroom by Laticrete.

    It looks like they have several new colors. The Steamship looks like it might work if you can’t get the Rain. It said it was available in unsanded. I wonder if the Mink or Iron might work as well?

    gtdj519 thanked rebunky
  • last year

    Thank you so much rebumky I am going to go to local tileshop tomorrow and see if they have the colors. I also think steamship looks similar to rain .

    Thank you for those suggestions !

  • last year

    Belk Tile is a very large and reputable tile company, FYI. From the images posted, the Steamship looks way more grey than the Rain, IMO.

  • last year

    Thansk maddox921. Belk may very well be a reputable source as you said. I myself just never heard of belk, and the fact they are selling a producr no longer manifacrured, just gave me me pause before ordering it online I am calling to find out. Hopefully they have surplus of the insanded rain grout.

    I will also see the laticrete colors in person, as it is impossible to tell colors from a website.

  • last year


    The backsolash was grouted. Thank you to all whi helped. I chose silver shadow by laricrete. Its a oretty silvery blue/ gray and blended oerfecrly with the tile. I actually ended io liking it better than the Mapei rain!!

  • last year

    Very pretty! Congrats on a beautiful kitchen.

    gtdj519 thanked Linda
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    It is perfection! The grout lines completely disappear so the blue grey color of the tile is the star. (Well and that stunning marble!)

    The white shelves look great too!

    Looks like you are on the home stretch with lighting and the last finishing touches. I am looking forward to the final reveal.

    I like it when people do a new thread for their reveal and add all the kitchen materials used and lots of photo. Of course put the word “Reveal” in the title, but maybe add a little description of your kitchen too. Something like… White marble and light blue kitchen or Namibian Sky Marble kitchen, etc…. 😍

    gtdj519 thanked rebunky
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Thank you so much rebunky . Youve been very kind and helpful with suggestions and ideas. Will do!! thanks for the reveal thread tip!!

  • last year


    gtdj519 thanked raee_gw zone 5b-6a Ohio
  • last year

    Perfection. Such sleek, stylish and clean lines. Enjoy.

    gtdj519 thanked maddox921