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Help with Sunflowers

last year

I'm mapping out my newly prepared flower beds and what to wintersow and what to plant directly next spring. My primary goal is always to support pollinators and other wildlife, so I would love to grow a bunch of various sunflowers, since Doug Tallamy says sunflowers are number one for supporting specialist bumble bees. But, I hear they are notorious for being attacked by creatures great and small, and so are difficult to get to maturity. I've heard recommendations to grow them in containers to a certain size, then transplant into the ground. Others recommend protection from cut worms using toilet paper rolls, etc., etc. I'm gardening in rural country with every possible creature from insects to rabbits to turkeys to deer. Any suggestions/experiences? I plan to grow both annual varieties and perennials. My fenced areas will be reserved for vegetables. Thanks in advance for any ideas,


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