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What are the Symptoms of Grape Sunburn?

Tinnyaa Agrow
last year

1. Affected by direct sunlight.

On the basis of higher temperature, it is induced by strong light.

Ø symptom:

  • Its symptoms mainly occur in direct sunlight.
  • The occurrence of fruit grains at the base of the ear is relatively serious, and the occurrence of fruit grains at the middle and lower parts of the ear is relatively light.
  • It is that the lower epidermis and flesh tissue of the fruit begins to turn white, and then turn brown.
  • It generally appears in the middle of the fruit, and in severe cases, the symptoms spread to the fruit stem, followed by depression and shrinkage.

2. Affected by high-temperature airflow.

It is mainly induced by high temperature, which is mainly caused by high temperature generated by high-temperature ground heat radiation in the daytime. The closer to the ground, the more serious the sunburn of fruit.

Ø symptom:

  • Early stage: The skin of the fruit has no obvious symptoms, but the flesh first turns brown and dead, and then the skin turns light brown;
  • Medium term: fruit is shriveled, contracted and sunken;
  • Later stage: the fruit is partially or completely dried, and shrunk, showing a dark brown state, and is not easy to fall off.

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