perfect location. blah house.
2 years ago
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The 'Not so perfect' house plan up for review
Comments (13)Here is rough sketch with approximate dimensions. I have tried to make as much sense as possible of dimensions in your diagram. I think dimensions on my diagram are within the ballpark for most part. Depending on their accuracy, your closet space will get crunched a bit. I also took the liberty to close off the direct door from the kitchen because I think it is not essential. The idea I was toying with was that if you are ready to place a glass wall between the lounge and the tub then you can watch TV while sitting in the tub. For this specific purpose the tub is located lengthwise. Also, I decided not to relocate your vanity because you show it under a window, and I assumed that it is the best vanity location you could find under light conditions. Ideally, I would prefer to combine the sink vanity and the make up vanity under the window. Notice that the opening between the retreat and the actual bath area is almost 5'. You do not need such a big door. I would suggest that you place the entry near to the tub and use that small stretch of wall between the doorway and the shower door for placing the dresser for your husband. Sorry, forgot to draw it and it's too late now to go back and add it. Also made the door to the deck open outwards -- not sure if this is what you want! I'm sure others will suggest even better changes to this. This is just a start and I enjoyed it!...See MoreNeed help! Struggling with a blah back of beige sided house...
Comments (12)A tree could be something like lilac, burning bush (even dwarf,) PG Hydrangea, some of the medium sized Viburnums, a large deciduous Azalea, etc. (It can't be a shrub that suckers badly.) Pachysandra would work AFTER some protective shade developed from the tree. You might use something else -- even annuals -- that will tolerate the light conditions, on a temporary basis....See MoreMy exterior house has the blahs. Needs a refresh!
Comments (25)Well the pavers are out of our budget, so we are looking at refinishing the concrete. The painter actually shown us a Faux wood finish for the garage door, but we were uncertain about the look. Still working on the trellis.. The landscaper comes this week to help with the yard....See MoreWould you choose the Perfect House or the Perfect Lot with a pool?
Comments (48)The home you buy is such a personal choice that it is nearly impossible for the experience of others to translate into helpful advice. Here are my thoughts, my kids grew up in a house that we never really fit in. It required work up front to even make it livable for us and it was always far too small for the things we owned. However, it was a neighborhood full of professor's kids who were all around the same age as my kids and gave them access to close friends who valued education and diverse experiences. If I made a list of pros and cons, the house wouldn't have finished in the top ten, but we knew it was the right house for our family even if it wasn't the perfect house for our living. This is why advising someone on a house is so difficult. All the checklists, comparisons, pool discussions, commutes, etc. are about a quantifying something that is difficult to quantify. Pick the house that allows you to have the best life possible in your house. Odds are, you already know which one that is but have some reservations. I understand that, I certainly had a lot of reservations about our last home and am surprised I wasn't talked out of it, but no regrets now. As for pool maintenance... this is a point that I feel is getting overblown on this thread. Pools require a modest amount of regular maintenance and they really don't like neglect. I am slightly sensitive to freshly cut grass (asthma) and so I employee a company to do yard maintenance and did my own pool maintenance (when we had a pool). Even with the super-deluxe fancy mowers, my neighbors spent more time maintaining their yard than I did my pool. It really wasn't that much time. You should be aware of the time required to maintain a pool so you can make an informed decision about the costs and benefits, but don't forget to put that maintenance into perspective. Finally, in most areas, well maintained pools do add value. Certainly, in a few northern areas they don't add value, but in most Southern states pools will add between $25,000 and $50,000 to a home's resale value. You could argue that pools are usually a bad investment as they rarely add value in excess of their cost, but that is the case with many improvements....See MoreRelated Professionals
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