What is the name of your house?
2 years ago
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Comments (65)Re: being mortgage free. To be honest, I have been mortgage free three times. The first time was in our first small town home which we had paid off by saving every penny and before children( our interest rate was 18% - ouch). Then family came along and we needed a bigger home so basically what we got for our first mortgage free home when we sold it was our down payment for the second home. Then we paid off that but then we decided that our home was falling apart around us (literally and physically) so we borrowed against the value of our home for a gut-renovation. That mortgage we just paid off 2 weeks ago. In hindsight, given the real estate values we should have kept the townhome and rented it out. But, who knew? Our goal was to be mortgage free by the time we were 60 and we just made it.The latest Canadian stats I can find are from 2008 and it says that the average age of those with a mortgage is 45 and those now mortgage-free is 62. I suspect the 62 has risen a little bit. But it really is about personal choice on how we spend our money....See MoreName That House!
Comments (29)Evenshade is an evocative name, PFMastin. This home holds more meaning to you than any other, for whatever reason. I'm reading a book by Jane Alexander now. SPIRIT OF THE HOME: How to make your home a sanctuary. I've had it for some time, but only this week discovered that it has a lot about the gods and goddesses of the ancient cultures around the world, the symbolism of the hearth and the features of a home in various cultures. And, it has a good bit about feng shui too. It mentioned naming a home, and I thought it would be great to quote that bit in this thread, but tonight I cannot find it again. Maybe it will show up tomorrow. One paragraph from the book, just to tantalize you: "If your home were a color, which would it be? If it were a shape, what would that be? If it were a symbol...? If it had a secret name...? "...See MoreOT/Does your house have a name?
Comments (59)I was reluctant to buy our first house which the realtors called Hidden Hollow. It was a small cape on 5 gorgeous acres 45 miles from NYC. I grew to love it. 22 years later we were ready to move and I found our current house on a day when DH was traveling. I fell madly in love with the house and the land. DH came to see it and picked it apart. There was an oil stain on the garage floor and assorted other "problems" that he could find. Finally he said that since he had kind of pushed me into our first house he would sacrifice and purchase this house. The house is now called "Billy's Sacrifice." I made a sign. He truly loves the house now. The sign is hidden in the trees....See MoreOT - What would you name your house???
Comments (37)Right now, I've nicknamed our place the Hillbilly Homestead. When we moved, we downsized from 3 generous outbuildings, to...none. So everything is under tarps until DH gets the garage built. Gah. It's quite a sight. The house is in desperate need of siding, Tyvek flapping in the breeze and all. Freezers on the front porch. Yikes. Our poor neighbors. It'll be pretty when it's done, though, and the views of the rolling fields, old stone fences, and sunsets over the wetlands are marvelous. So, I just stay inside and enjoy the view over the piles to the wildness beyond. ; )...See MoreRelated Professionals
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