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Green Color for Cabinets with this Counter

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

I have had some great suggestions so far on what to do for my son's kitchen to update it with spending little money.

He has chosen the paint color for the room, the backsplash and flooring.

He is stuck on what color to paint the cabinets. Because the counter is unfortunately staying and is dark, he wants to make sure the color paint does not make the kitchen too dark.

SW Evergreen Fog was suggested and is a big contender. Is that a good color or would it make the kitchen too dark with the dark counters?

I was wondering if anyone here had some other good suggestions??

He is leaning towards a green color but is open to other colors as well (not white).

The appliances are staying for now.

The counter up close:

Kitchen now:

Floor choice:

Wall color


Color thought:

SW Studio blue green

Comments (174)

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    That LVP is pretty dark? Is that going into kitchen too?

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • 2 years ago

    No, just in the bathroom. Right now he still has that light gray tile but if you think something else would look better feel free to suggest!

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    need a backsplash for laborite blue/green counter top in kitchen


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    I LOVE your counters - I considered a Blue Australe which seems similar to laboradite, but it was almost twice the price, at the time, of what I ended up choosing, Volga Blue. (very hard capturing either of these stones in a picture, isn't it) So I understand your challenge, I spent a long time puzzled over a backsplash for my counters. I went with the Seneca Tile company's Blue Lagoon from the Studio line. My counter reads black and hints of silver at first glance, the blue inclusions are subtle until you are trying to look for them, so it doesn't read too busy in real life. In the same line, they have a gorgeous variegated green called Waterlily, it might work in your kitchen Seneca waterlily- here's some more inspiration, some of these blue/ green mixes that may work- from http://senecatiles.com/senecablends-gallery/nggallery/page/1 Here's a work in progress shot of our Blue Lagoon backsplash going up- I have no regrets going bold and colorful, I feel happy every time I look at it
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    You’d get more mileage out of spending money changing the laminate counters, backsplash, floors, and new lighting than laying out 7-9K for a pro to paint the cabinets correctly with professional grade products. The cabinets are a great warm wood look. The dark counters and lack of light need to be fixed regardless.
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    I strongly recommend you go to local flooring shop. There are so many things to consider. Installation is key to getting good end results. Watch for “variations”. Sometimes called V-rating. Get to see pictures of actual installed product. The repeat patterns can get very stripped or fake looking. Colors need to be seen in person with your samples from all elements in your space. If you decide to go engineered wood, I can give you key features to look for.
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  • PRO
    2 years ago

    I wish you would give a look at allinonepaints. Get a sample of this color. No prep other than cleaning off wood is needed. So much easier to work with. Look at the reviews on their site. All great.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Stick with whites in bathroom. Towels and a picture can add color.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • 2 years ago

    It looks like you have to order online though? No stores where you can buy it? My husband would love to not have the work involved but I do not think he would feel comfortable ordering it online. I will mention it to him though! How long does it take to get?

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    You can call and find out. It’s on line product. Another Houzz poster here did her whole kitchen and it is beautiful. I will see if I have pictures. I would get their color chart package and find the best color. I need to get that too!

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Here is one after picture. Her island color is stunning. The whole kitchen was 80s oak.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    She won best of. A couple months ago. Go on their website to see her kitchen. She goes by kjoy here on Houzz.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Here's an idea of the flow with the blue cabinets he decided on, I'm sure he'll love the blue!

    NewEnglandgal thanked lisedv
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    The dark blue will look awesome too!!!

    Here is Sea Serpent

    And here is Navel

    I like both! Based on the too mockups above, I lean more towards the Navel just because the Sea Serpant looks like it might end up with too much purple undertones?

    But then so does the blue-grey living room chair on my ipad, so it might look perfect.

    It is impossible to tell how paint looks until you try samples of both in your lighting.

    Love that last mood board Lisedv! And Flo that mediterreanian Teal color is gorgeous. Another added to my list.

    Please keep us all posted with progress photos!

    NewEnglandgal thanked rebunky
  • 2 years ago

    That’s a helpful comparison, rebunky. I also prefer the SW Naval. It has an appealing intensity.

    NewEnglandgal thanked ffpalms
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Here is the “before and after” kitchen kjoy did. She used BM Iron Mountain for the island base. I think for your son’s place I still prefer SW Naval. This just gives you a real kitchen.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Oh! Notice back countertop. Similar to son’s!

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • 2 years ago

    Thank you so much everyone!

    @rebunky thank you for doing the mock up! You as well @lisedv.

    @Flo Mangan I sent the information to my husband about the paint. That is a beautiful kitchen!

    I will update all of you when I know what son chooses for paint color and also when everything is done.

    I truly appreciate everyone taking the time to help me even if I did not use the suggestion, I appreciate each person taking the time to help.

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    What's important is that you and your son will be happy with renovation when it's all done. It's very nice of you to help him out like, I also do ti for my adult kids!

    NewEnglandgal thanked lisedv
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Do keep us posted and hoping everything works out beautifully! I hope your son realizes what a wonderful Mum he has!

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    NE gal. that granite is almond mauve. I actually had those granite tiles on my kitchen counter back in 1995!

    Any chance of you chaning it? I would never get everything else new around it and leave that. pre-fabs are avail and simple to install.

    In fact, you could buy one prefab countertop (24"X9') for about $500. an installer could cut it to fit for another 1K or so. just depends who you get and where you are. could be cheaper. And, you might have leftover for the bathroom countertop.

    look at mcm wood cabinets and get ideas. if your husband is stripping them, he could put on a walnut stain.

    In any case, that granite doesn't work w/that style.

    Even a wood butcher block w/the navy cabs would be so much better looking! (and those you can buy for under 500)

    here's your tile w/the two tone white/green, lighter wood counter

    I'd seriously look hard at the butcher block. (or, look into a cement overlay over that granite and have a cement countertop)

    anything is better than Almond Mauve!

    NewEnglandgal thanked Beth H. :
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Been down that road Beth. All the reasons you stated. Just not in their thinking right now. They understand so their choices. 😊

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • 2 years ago

    While I'm sure this is not helpful, I've just gotta say how smitten I am with the wood of those cabinets. Were they mine, I wouldn't paint them. They are great.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Kendrah
  • 2 years ago

    @Beth H. :If it were MY decision the entire kitchen would be gutted :) Between my H and son they want to keep it to this. Floor and backsplash peel and stick tiles had to come up. They were bubbled and ripped in places (and absolutely nothing in this kitchen matches!).

    Son hates hardware on cabs and H thought painting would help with new hardware.

    I told them to get a new counter and could easily buy a remnant but they also considered cutting and install and figured it would be a lot.

    The cost keeps going up between bathroom (fixing loose wall tiles and spraying them white along with the tub and needed new floor) new kitchen floor and backsplash and new paint interior. Needs new walkway and stairs in front of the house.

    Needed some new windows replaced as well. It is adding up.

    I am frustrated too and love your ideas along with others but nothing I can do with the decisions so doing my best.

    The name of the granite is Bainbrook Brown. It should be called hideous.

  • PRO
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    sorry flo. I tried to read all of the comments but didn't see much relating to it.

    NEng- show them these pics. maybe they can't picture it.

    These are all inexpensive. i've attached numerous links

    I just think the butcher block would be a perfect choice if someone is on a budget. keeping that granite and adding everything else new around it, well, they're going to wish they changed it!

    At the very least, look into the idea of the butcher block or a pre fab. it's not that expensive. (I certainly change out that before spending the money on backsplash tile and install! plus, if you demo it your self, you can save more)

    Home Depot has inexpensive, Ikea has them and so do floor and decor.

    Just a thought.

    whether you sand and refinish the pine, or paint them (make sure to use a shellac sealer prior to painting) there are many ways to get this After looking super mod w/o spending a lot of cash.

    here's a pine kitchen that was painted and had butcher block added. so much better (check out the link for how they tackled the rest of the house)


    this redo was done for under 600


    This one was super cheap. (they left the countertop. but if you follow what they did, you'll have enough for new counters)

    Here's another before/after w/butcher block. (none of these are expensive)


    Another Budget Friendly makeover


    refinish the wood cabs, new granite/white tile. (i'd remove the scallop and do a pendant)


    if your family can DIY, you can actually make your own wood countertops!

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    i tiink beth makes valid points about the counter. it seems like a lot is going on. vintage ish cabinets always look good in white or yellow. if he doesnt want green i''d steer away from all the gray and navy personally. we had older pine cabs I stripped them slowly over a summer and just applied tung oil [got ridof old shellac] for a nice / pretty easy result. if he is stripping the doors there is no reason why they cant be put back on for some time ,,,deal w the floor and immediate things like the bubbled distressed surfaces. I would wait on paint for cabs and work in the butcher block or a white /black counter option for something like these looks........classic yellow or white for older cabinets..... if paint has to be the final choice and he's vetoed greens........ many ways to go and he can take a little more time . butcher block isnt difficult......you oil it periodically and dont worry about normal wear and tear. I think a guy would like it. look at the fun bl/white floor w the yellow cabs and envision butcher block there.....if he's set on gray walls elsewhere make sure its a light gray.....you can get a white w very cool undertones.....

    Columbus Town Home · More Info

    Ann Arbor Bungalow · More Info

    and oil finish on wood.... sometimes the easiest and the most rewarding .

    Charlestown · More Info

    NewEnglandgal thanked herbflavor
  • 2 years ago

    UPDATE!! My husband now says he is being told the stripping will be a nightmare and is considering ripping everything out and buying my son new cabs and countertop!! Yipee! I think he sees the work is too much for him and if he is putting in new flooring, new backsplash so he may as well renovate it all. Isn't my son lucky?? We aren't thrilled with spending the money but at this point we may as well go all in. I am almost 60, I've had my "first home." My son's home does not have to have top of the line right now but we want it to be decent grade. If they are going to decide to rip it out why put in crap materials?

    Does anyone know where you can get painted cabs rather quickly? I imagine he cannot probably buy cabs in stock because cabinets will probably have to be a certain measurements like the old cabs yes?

    I still like navy blue cabs and I think he does as well and now he could do white on top and blue on bottom if he wants or vice versa. He has a complete new slate if my H decides to do this.

    H does not want to spend a ton of money though and I bet most places only have white cabinets in stock. We have a carpenter who built our home who is already putting in the new windows in this house so he could help H measure for new cabs and put them in. H loves to take things apart so he would take all the cabinets out so he will save money on that (will need help with wall oven and disconnecting dishwasher). I wonder if son would spring for new appliances?

    Any recommendation on cabinets that aren't too expensive but aren't crap either?

    I did not see this coming!

  • 2 years ago

    Personally, I agree with the idea of getting rid of the elephant in the room to free up your choices. In our previous house, we had those "orange" oak cabinets and I struggled to find how to work with them in our pre-sale reno... Finally decided to paint them white and we were totally freed up to choose the rest of the finishes the way we wanted. However, this is your family's decision to make. And with your dh and ds doing the work, I totally get it.

    I also love butcher block, and we installed it (maple) in our new home (with green cabinets lol). My husband loves them, (even though he wanted the same quartz we used on the island), and every few months he rubs them down with a soapstone product. Eventually, they become more sealed and we'll need to do that less often. I do have to say, they were *not* cheap. Almost as expensive as the quartz. (And that's with my DH installing them.)

    NewEnglandgal thanked Beth
  • 2 years ago

    @Beth @Beth H. : Well it appears my husband has already called in the sales girl who we bought our cabinets from in our new home and has an apt tomorrow at my son's home. @Beth H. : you helped me a TON on my new home we had built in 2018 (along with @Flo Mangan and @Nidnay and some others.

    I feel bad asking for everyone's help and all the work put in only to have my son and H realize they need to take the cabinets and that ugly counter out- BUT it was not in vain as it has given my son ideas for what color cabinets and countertops he wants for the kitchen now and he has those gray wall paint colors @Flo Mangan gave that go with the navy colors. I think my son still wants dark blue in the cabinets so the kitchen will flow with the living room. I will not be surprised to find my son chooses blue cabs at least for the upper or lower cabinets. Should darker be on the bottom or does it not matter? Maybe he will have a nice white countertop now and hey maybe there will be enough to go on the bathroom vanity too! :)))))) I am always thinking...

  • 2 years ago


  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    There’s absolutely no reason to feel bad about asking for help only to have the whole thing change on you. All of this is just part of the process of determining the best course of action. I think most people who comment here do it because they love thinking about interior design, and are not hung up on the final outcome. I’ve enjoyed this thread very much, and am looking forward to seeing the final result.

  • 2 years ago

    Or this?

  • 2 years ago

    I definitely prefer the darker color to be on the bottom.

  • 2 years ago

    Thank you @ffpalms. I have enjoyed it as well and learned a lot myself! I am excited for my son and glad they are considering ripping it out. Fingers crossed the meeting goes well tomorrow and does not scare him.

  • PRO
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Hi NewEnglandgal,

    That's how it goes in renovations... I enjoy doing this if it can help anyone to vidualize what they plan on doing. Of course it will be nice for him if he can get a new kitchen! If he goes for the navy and white, I would definately go for the navy on the bottom cabinets and white on top!

    I'd love to see the renovation photos when it's all done!

    Note: For a small kitchen, I also prefer to have the cabinets all the same colour.

    NewEnglandgal thanked lisedv
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Woohoo! Such a good decision. Hope it works out. Definitely prefer dark blue on lowers, lighter on uppers. But I also like up and lowers dark blue. More uniform for small space. Dark colors “recede” visually, so the room will actually look bigger! Good luck. Best ROI improvement you can do!

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Here is quick reference inspiration photos. Dark lowers is most popular because dark colors ground spaces.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Notice how you can add floating wood shelves to break up whites and add warmth. 😊

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • 2 years ago

    Those are nice, vintage wood cabinets; so I am actually very glad he is not painting them. I hope he donates them to Habitat, etc. and/or to someone who will appreciate the wood. Wood for cabinetry is very much back en vogue these days - and those wood cabinets are great. I personally might paint the hardware black and/or bring in black hardware. Copper might possibly be nice on those, too. I even like the prominent hinges. Goes with the vintage style. Fabulous.

    NewEnglandgal thanked freedomplace1
  • 2 years ago

    @freedomplace1 the cabinets you show are gorgeous. His look orange and they have huge hideous silver hinges that would need to be changed and the holes to be filled. Some might love that look but we are not one of them!

    @Flo Mangan so do you think he should have only navy? He could choose a gray but then I feel like his whole house would look gray. He doesn't like white.

    Once the cabinets are ordered my husband can start looking at remnants. Would you suggest white with maybe a little grey in it? I told him at this point it doesn't matter if it is granite or quartz. Any ideas? How about backsplashes? @Beth H. :

    H says he thinks they should put in a regular stove and microwave on top (there is no microwave now) and maybe stainless dishwasher and fridge?

    The painter is still coming next week so we still need to figure out the main color for the living room and entry way and hallway to bedrooms. If he goes with blue cabinets then he can look at those paint colors you suggested @Flo Mangan.

    I am very excited for him. He just got a new girlfriend who enjoys cooking lol

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    No microwave over range. Dangerous. Consider floating wood shelves rather than cabinets on uppers. Then quartz countertops in plain white. You need some white to balance out other tones. Do simple, inexpensive subway tiles on backsplash in white. Beveled ones would add some interest without too much extra cost. A couple wood cutting boards leaning against white backsplash creates very nice look.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Wood countertops could work but not as maintenance free as quartz or granite. I prefer granite. But better to do white for this application I believe.

  • 2 years ago

    Son choosing between light gray all or light gray on top with navy on bottom. What do you think?

    Green cab not part of colors. White is available but too bright. Other gray looks cold.Advice? What color should entrance and hallway be if chooses light gray or light gray tops, navy bottoms?

    Navy only available in bottom cabs.


  • 2 years ago

    I'm personally not a fan of the grey cabinets. (Not really a fan of navy either but that's me) So I'd suggest navy lowers & white uppers or wooden shelves. You need something warm imo.

    NewEnglandgal thanked Beth
  • 2 years ago

    Thank you Beth. There isn't much to choose from. They can see how much more medallion cabinets are but those take longer to order. They like th lighter gray more than the darker gray. I appreciate your feedback!

  • 2 years ago

    I love the lighter gray and would keep all cabinets the same color. To me…. It keeps a small space from being chopped up. Then adding appliance color, cabinet hardware color, lighting. Keep it simple all one color for cabinets.
    Get the kitchen cabinets and floor done first, then focus on paint colors.

    NewEnglandgal thanked njmomma
  • 2 years ago

    Just remember with grey, the appliances are stainless (grey), right? And the floor is grey. Too much grey is depressing, not to mention dated

    NewEnglandgal thanked Beth
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    if the light gray is the one laying on the counter Id do all the cabinets in that color. Just make it easier ...its a non gray really. small space...../old configuration/ but new cabs??? ....you are spending now to replace??? in same configuration???? at least get drawers.....are you changing anything about layout and general flow?

  • 2 years ago

    So, right now we have to focus on the kitchen cabinets first and the paint color of the walls because the painter comes next week. We put him off a week.

    @herbflavor the layout is going to be basically the same except he will be getting a regular stove, so taking out wall oven and cook top (which did not match) and we are hoping to move the dishwasher to the left so we can center the sink at the kitchen window. The cabinet consultant is doing up a drawing of the cabinet and drawer configurations. Not much will be changed.

    I did some playing around with the cabinet visualizer on Mantra's website. These are the light gray cabinets called "Mineral." The only difference is he will have upper cabinets on the left where there is a wall and the refrigerator is at the end.

    He has not picked out any new appliances yet. I assume he would choose stainless. Floor will be changed as well as backsplash. Rest of the home has wood flooring so we have to be careful not to have the floors look to close if we choose a laminate wood looking floor vs tile.

    I tried it with different color paint for the walls. There is not much wall at all near the cabinets.

    Still wondering what paint color for the main part of the home if these cabinets are chosen. The cabinets do not look as grey to me in the picture, more a light taupe color. @Flo Mangan or @lisedv?

    Dark grey which we are not fond of.

  • 2 years ago

    Love your first Kitchen! To me it looks classic, but I am not a Pro.

    As for paint. If you are choosing the lighter gray cabinets, I would do a tone of that color, for walls and trim, but lighter in color. Trim in a different sheen.

    I see you called out for a couple of Pros. Good idea. They will have some great ideas for you and you may go a whole other way. Good luck.

  • 2 years ago

    I also like the pale gray cabinets. I think it would be a mistake to put a laminate wood look floor up againt real wood, so I’m suggesting this stone floor again because it is a nice transition from the wood floor, and it looks great with the cabinets.

    NewEnglandgal thanked ffpalms
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    There’s a very interesting post in Latest Stories today. I thought her thorough explanation of how she achieved it might help with your son’s kitchen. I wasn’t able to post a link, but the tiltle is The Big Reveal and Reflection.

    NewEnglandgal thanked ffpalms
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Thank you so much. At first I could not find it so now have and edited my comment. I appreciate the suggestion. Will read now. He has chosen a cabinet color and now looking at countertops. We are down to two quartz choices.

  • 2 years ago

    I’m not surprised you couldn’t find it - I should have said it’s in Latest Discussions, not Latest Stories.

    NewEnglandgal thanked ffpalms
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