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Help Me Update This Old Pine Kitchen, Paint and Tile.

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

My bachelor son bought an old 60's ranch. He has asked for my help in updating the kitchen on a small budget.

The cabinets are old pine. He'd like to nail on a border and paint them and put in a new floor and tile backsplash. He is not thrilled with the brown granite but keeping for now.

Would love your ideas regarding paint color for cabinets (any other ideas besides white or cream or is that the best for this kitchen?) and paint color for wall. Of course he liked gray for the wall and whatever color he paints the one wall in the kitchen he was going to continue to the entry way and living room (but does not have to). :)

You were all such a huge help to me when I was building my home in 2019. I know @Beth H. : is a wiz with the tile!

Thank you in advance!


close up of granite. Specs look like a mint green/grey

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