Your 2022 Rose Companion Plant Champs
2 years ago
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- 2 years ago
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Your favorite companions for WHITE roses
Comments (17)Sorry for late response- limited access to email this weekend! Gorgeous photo, Jacqueline3! My Sombreuil only has 1 cane- I hope she beefs up. I'm fertilizing this evening, actually! seil- I love shades of lavender and apricot. I think those both look nice and soft with white. But the bold of the red and purple in the photo above is really striking. Jay, it did not occur to me to mingle irises next to my roses in front. I have no idea why! I'm definitely going to do that, as well as look for the apricot variety of Diascias, Rozanne geranium, and more cat mint. NewGirl - "not a word, still using it" - this made me laugh. And I LOVE the idea of violets under roses! Mingled with these icy-colored, barely-periwinkle irises I have, it would be very pretty. Also thought about nicotiana alata and nigella... Many good ideas from everyone here! Thank you!...See MorePhotos of your roses with their companions
Comments (4)Some of these are more like a perennial garden with rose companions, especially in late season. You can barely make out Reine des Violettes and Westerland in "the jungle". In retrospect I wouldn't put RdV in a purple and orange bed but it sort of an accent. This garden has since been expanded and revamped. More of that bed with Westerland. Early hardy salvias, siberian iris, columbine, coreopsis and giant alliums blooming. Later the purple and orange daylilies, yellow oxeye daisies, echinacea, rudbeckia, and gaillardia will chime in. Everything ends in fall with the grasses Pennisetum 'Hameln', salvia 'Black and Blue', Rudbeckia 'Autumn Sun' and aromatic asters. I just love the combination of Westerland with siberian iris 'Ruffled Velvet' probably taken in May. Marie Pavie with Veronica and Nepata, variegated Miscanthus and the rugosa Fru Dagmar Hastrup in the back The classic companion nepata which I tuck in between roses everywhere I can. Carefree Sunshine, kniphofia and spanish poppies. The giant alliums are just finishing and the purple and lavender bread poppies are just coming on. This is what's happening now, smooth phlox blooming with The Generous Gardener with lambs ears at its feet, phlox 'David' on the left getting tall with Monarda 'Claire Grace' behind, both in front of Awakening which is out of the frame on the pergola. Stargazer lilies and Phlox 'Blue Paradise' are in this bed along with various hardy geraniums like 'Biokovo' and lancastriense. Throw in a few daylilies like 'Sunday Gloves', pink and white daffodils for early color and hardy asters late and I get a full season of blooms. A rugosa and perennial cottage garden I had in Indiana. I have a whole other chapter with climbers and vines like clematis and honeysuckle. I'll throw one in that I really love. Autumn Sunset rose and Goldflame honeysuckle. Can you tell I like mixed borders???...See MoreYour favorite rose companions
Comments (13)I have a cl.Sky's the Limit in the 'point' of a quarter circle bed, fronted with orange lilies, a pink 'Joseph's coat', shasta daisies, and a calla lily, and the bed is bordered with lavender. (Odd pairings water wise, but in that location it works pretty well). Gives a good foliage contrast, and the lavender and joseph's coat set off the warmer colors pretty nicely. In front I have a pink miniature climbing rose next to a blushing bride hydrangea, in front of a black lace elderberry, with white snow-on-the-mountain and Massachusetts kinnikinnick....See MorePlease share your rose companion philosophy
Comments (38)Thank you, Anna-Lyssa! Kes, the shrub between/behind Midnight Blue, Tradescant and Marie Pavie is Hydrangea mariessii Variegata. It will handle some afternoon sun in the PNW as long as it's well watered. It's also shielded somewhat by Buddleia Lochinch. There are a couple of starts of variegated Euonymus Emerald Gaiety in the bed as well. To the right. Carol...See MoreRelated Professionals
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