Is this a bromeliad?
2 years ago
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ID please Bromeliad
Comments (2)It’s an aechmea judging by leaves. it looks a lot like aechmea nudicaulis cuspidata....See MoreI have a bromeliad that I suspect is starting to grow pups.
Comments (6)@tsugajunkie z5 SE WI ♱ water it the same way you mentioned, filling the central cup and only slightly moistening the soil. maybe every coulple of weeks, i observe it until the cup is empty and then refill it shortly after that (a few days after empty) I stuggle to keep the amount of light my plants get consistent as im on a boat and constantly moving around with the sun coming from diferent directions. I try and keep it not in direct sunlight most of the time. im not too worried really as it has at least produced plenty of pups and i can continue learning to care for them with this next generation and this one dying is inevitable....See MoreRepotting monster bromeliad in heatwave
Comments (13)Well we have cooled down to 95 and it will be even cooler this week so I am diving in. I tied it to a tree and still could not get the styrofoam pot out so out came the sawsall. God bless styrofoam. I used to stick my nose up at it as tacky but it gives some cold protection, It is light ( a good thing for a plant this large). I have had this pot for about 20 years. I repoted this plant many times. It makes babies prolifically. I finally cut the pot off. The roots had grabbed the surface but I was able to crobar the fragmnts off. I have heavy clay pots and I think I need light pot for this . Come our coldfronts , I need to transport it. I also need to lift it up to a perch because of the flowers. Too bad these styrofoam pots are only available at auctions now as far as I can tell from a quick google. I just shoot the hose at it to water it. It is somewhat terestial and not picky. I use a bark filled medium that I mix up. Those flowers are a good 2 feet.....See MoreLeaves of my bromeliad curling and turning brown
Comments (7)If you are watering primarily in the cup, and supplying a dribble here and there to roots. All fertilizer salts are accumulating in the grow medium, which makes it continually more difficult for the plant to take up and move water efficiently. Eventually, as the level of dissolved solids/ salts in the grow medium continues to increase, water absorption will become impossible, or even act to pull water out of cells, reversing the normal process of osmosis and pulling water OUT of plant cells via the same mechanism curing salts 'pulls' water from the cells of meat destined to become bacon, jerky, ham, ..... . The technical name for what is occurring is 'plasmolysis', but more commonly it's known as fertilizer burn. The fix: Flush the soil on a regular basis. The grow medium looks very dense, so you might need to use something that allows you to flush the soil regularly w/o the need for concern the medium will remain wet too long and cause root issues related to either function or health. Al...See MoreRelated Professionals
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