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Adding unfinished wood flooring to exisiting flooring.

2 years ago


We have this dated oak flooring in our kitchen and diningroom. The dining room is another room. The kitchen and family room are connected as one big space. Currently, the family room is carpeted. I really love the look of unfinished wood floors. A few questions. 1) How can I tell if I have red oak or white oak flooring? I've searched the internet but I'm still not quite sure. Our floors are very orangey now. 2) If we sand down our existing floors to the bare/raw wood look and add new unfinished oak wood flooring to replace the carpet that's adjacent to it, will the color variation be very apparent? I'm sure there will be some difference but will it be enough to make it look terrible? The existing floors are in good shape, no warping or creaking... just very dated looking. We will be doing a full kitchen remodel and want to update the flooring throughout the house. 3) Loba vs. Bona products? Your advice and suggestions will be very appreciated!

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