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Is my pineapple ready to harvest?

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

This is my very first pineapple produced in my own garden. I planted it from a pineapple top probably 8 years ago, so I have no idea what type it is, although I tend to buy Golds. It finally flowered this past February. The fruit was very green up until about 3 weeks ago; now, it's turned a very pleasant yellow. I can smell its fragrance from about a foot away - not an overwhelming pineapple scent, just a light, sweet one. In the store, I might consider it "ready." • A couple of things that lead me to believe it might not be: (1) It's not soft to the touch. (2) I'd always heard pineapples took 8 to 12 months to mature, and it's only been barely 6. Of course, it is smaller than a commercial pineapple - about the size of a softball. An added problem is that I have to leave town in 2 days and won't be back for 3 weeks. I don't THINK it's ready now, but I'd hate to find it spoiled when I return. I'm in Florida, Zone 10A if that helps. • Photo hopefully to follow. Any advice much appreciated!

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