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Help picking floor stain for red oak floors!

I am having a really hard time deciding what color to stain my floor. I won't have time to try samples after the floor is sanded and have a contractor coming next week to start the project. I've been watching YouTube, scouring Pinterest and I can't find a straight answer! I have young kids and a dog so would prefer something that hides dirt and fur. In our last home we had dark walnut and I liked it, but now also loving the lighter and bleached floor look. However, we have 2" wide planks on red oak and I just don't know that will look good? All of the lighter floors I've seen recently are 4" planks and on white oak or other. This is a photo of my entry way and kitchen which has been remodeled. I like neutral tones.

I've seen lots of mixtures like weathered oak & classic gray and provincial, or even sun bleached. What is going to be on trend that goes with my style/tastes?

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