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Yellow leaves: overwatered or N deficient?

pipersparkz (Houston, Tx - Zone 9a)
last year
last modified: last year

This is my second attempt at growing zucchini/watermelon/green beans and once again the leaves are yellowing (though i have a net now to try to avoid the bugs). These are in a new no-dig garden of pure compost. I didn’t think the compost was that wet, and now I’m wondering if it has too many unfinished wood chips in it removing all the nitrogen… some of the plants are doing fine however. I’ve been sifting the compost and using it in pots and holes dug for transplants and they do wonderful.

I’ve given all these plants a fish emulsion fertilizer, but the yellowing increased. So maybe overwatering? I water this garden once a week right now… it just stays wet on the bottom I suppose.

Oddly enough these cucumbers still seem green, theyre on the opposite side of the garden though…

Really everything is struggling.

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