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Thursday's Garden Treasures

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

I'm happy to have a dry, cooler day to work and enjoy the garden. I got two new daylilies planted this morning and some weeding accomplished.

Forever Redeemed ffo - This was a happy accident. I have Forever Redeemed planted in my front garden and it has not yet bloomed. When I looked out in my backyard I noticed this beautiful red bloom in one of my raised beds where it had never been before. Then I remembered having gotten this one as a bonus three years ago. It sat in a pot and never bloomed, until I dumped it out to use the pot for a new daylily last Spring. I tossed the plant in the side of the bed, and forgot about it. Well it rooted, thrived and is blooming beautifully now.

This bloom of Ice Cream Emperor looked so perfect today.

Henrietta McIntyre ffo - This is a new one I got a year ago, and this is the first flower ever. I like it and crossed it with Bluegrass Shadows a few minutes ago.

Sensational Heart pumping out a trio - This is a new one from last year two. It's a good grower, and although you can't tell from this photo, the scapes are tall and well budded. Excuse the strip of Bounce fabric softener. I use those when it rains to deter the deer.

Diver Down still has short scapes, but I love that red bloom with the white watermark. It's my best red pod setter, and I have several seedlings from it.

Seedling "Big Pink" with a trio.

Pink Extraordinaire X Cexy Samantha - I think this one is going to be a star if the sepals ever clear up. Gigantic 7.5 inch bloom! I crossed it with Big Pink this morning.

Pink Lemonade Party X Dearest Valentine - It's more narrow than I would prefer, but I like the shade of pink and the ruffles, so it can stick around for awhile.

Dearest Valentine X Uknown

White Tooth X Rip Saw


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