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Ctenanthe has new stalks but existing plant not producing new leaves

last year

I repotted this ctenanthe lubbersiana six weeks ago in a mix of coco (well rinsed), perlite, and a little vermiculite. The plant gets flushed with calmag for each watering and i started giving it a tiny amount of 7-9-5 just last week. I repotted all plants with coco during the spring and most have shown rapid growth.

There are two new stalks that sprouted from the soil in the last few weeks. But the two original stalks haven't shown growth since about March. There haven't been any dropped leaves but the bigger ones are starting to yellow and generally look dried out.

The plant never gets direct light but probably brighter than what is recommended for ctenanthes normally.

Should i expect both of those stalks to eventually dry out? Or is it possible they're staying dormant while energy is directed towards the new growth?

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