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Backyard Planter Bed Help

last year
last modified: last year

We hve 3 narrow planter beds against our home in the backyard, and not liking what is planted there currently. The plants have no room to grow and it’s a lot of maintenance.

We wonder about the implications of plants this close to the foundation and have been trying to come up with appealing alternatives.

The yard is “L-shaped” about 10’ deep and 34’ wide, then about 34’ long and 7-8’ deep down the side. Having a narrow space is limiting and these planters are the only ”planter beds” available in the back. We thought about break up the existing concrete and redoing everything bit the cost doesn’t make sense.

We would love thoughts/inspiration.

We live in Zone 9 and get a lot of sun in the backyard. We‘re in socal so drought tolerance is important. We like simple (ex: zen/rustic farmhouse).

We thought about the following ideas:

1. Pulling everything out and placing gravel to fill in the beds

2. Pavers/bricks in the planters

In either case above the thought of using potted plants rather than in ground for design.

cant wait to hear some thiughts. Thank you!

Planter 1: 7‘ wide x 19” deep (currently planted 2 wax leaf privet, duranta Duranta, and 2 euryops)

Planter 2: 11‘ wide x 20” deep (currently planted 2 bougainvillea, purple fountain grass, star jasmine on trellis, flourabunda rose tree, pink iceberg rose, europy, duranta)

Planter 3: 7 feet wide x 22” deep (currently planted 2 icebergs and star jasmine on trellis)

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