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Gross ads for what should be nice games....

True confession: I play too much Candy Crush. And in doing so, I get inundated with ads I must see to get more lives and such. Lately there seem to be a whole bunch of them that I find disturbing to gross.

The disturbing include the poor king who is facing fire or floods and certain death unless you make the matches fast enough to save him. Not my idea of a good time, but ok. I get it.

Then came along the home decorating game where you are to select the paints and fabrics and such which is judgy enough to tell you that your choices failed. Well, ok.

Then came this weird version of solitaire where you need to play the cards to find the tools to keep freezing and starving waif from dying of cold, smoke inhalation and more. Solitaire? A game that's supposed to straightforward, relaxing and comforting in its repetition??

But now there's a really gross version with the girl picking her nose and eating it, vomiting, the room overrun with rats and other detritus, a toilet that's disgusting and more. Please make it stop. I don't play these games to get disgusted. I play the games as an escape from the disgusting!

I know I sound like an old f@rt, which I am for sure, but what on earth is this world coming to???

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