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Help - Master Shower Hardware and Glass Enclosure?

2 years ago

Hello! We just finished our shower remodel and I am stuck on two things:

  • Color of the hardware: Black or Chrome? We originally opted for chrome because it seemed to match best with the delicateness of the mosaic detailing in the shower, but I genuinely love the black hardware that's become popular these days. While the existing chrome hardware can be swapped to my guest bathroom, we weren't planning on doing anything to that bathroom so it would be an additional cost to replace the faucet + shower set.
  • Type of shower enclosure: We definitely want frameless, but unsure sliding or swinging door is best due to location of the toilet. We had one company tell us that they can only fit sliding, another say they can only do swinging, and third is pending a quote tomorrow. Another potential option is leaving the doorway open without a door, but while the shower is a comfortable size, it's not huge, so we're worried about water splashing out.

Other details:

- The vanity, mirror, light fixture above the sink, and the flooring you can see in the attached images came with the house. We're for sure replacing the light fixture and mirror. Much later we may replace either the counter top or vanity completely and potentially the flooring. But those are much future projects, so please assume the aesthetics you see is what it'll be like for a while.

Thoughts? Any advice appreciated!

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