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Windex On Roses?

I'm curious if anyone has opinions on this. I have a dear old friend who has a greenhouse and has raised houseplants to sell. Several years ago, I was having trouble with seedlings in my greenhouse "damping off", which I knew was a fungal issue. So I asked my friend Martha what to do. She replied with one word. Windex. Said she has used this in her greenhouse for years for any fungal issues and it works great. The cheap store brand is fine, she assured me. So now I have used it for several years myself. I seldom need it, but when I do, it does the trick! This winter, I have 18 young rose plants in pots and I have them in my greenhouse for the winter.I could let them outside but I'm trying to get them to put on some size before I put them in the ground, so I'm giving them the extra boost with greenhouse temperatures. During the warm days, I open everything up to give them lots of wind movement to keep them strong, so I have very little fungal problems. But several time, on a few of my roses, I saw powdery mildew. I immediately gave them a few sprays of Windex. Next morning when I checked them, there was no sign of mildew or any foliar damage from the spray. I know it's the ammonia that does the job, but I'm not sure whether ammonia can have any averse affects? I certainly haven't seen any. What are your thoughts?

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