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More Hearing Aid Questions

2 years ago

I was fitted with the hearing aids last Wednesday. The audiologist repeated that I was just on the cusp of needing them. Someone in the prior thread commented that she needed hearing aids becasue of going to rock concerts in her younger years. I think mine is attributable to jet engines. I’m a former flight attendant.

The hearing aids haven’t been any great revelation. I don’t suddenly have bionic ears. It is more like someone turned up the volume rather than made things more distinct, sort of a Mr. Microphone in reverse. Mine are from ReSound. I have until mid-January to decide whether to keep or return.

Here’s my question for those of you who wear them: Does your hair rub the microphone behind your ear and create frequent static sounds? If not, please tell me something of your hairstyle. Right now mine is a quasi-pixie but I’m letting it grow out into a short bob. The scratchy-staticky sound is driving me nuts.

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