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Would love exterior paint & garage door advice for mountain ranch home

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here. I’ve loved mining all of the fabulous advice and feedback here through the years and have learned a lot!

We’ve been in our 1960’s mountain home for a couple of years, in planning mode for updates inside and out. As it turns out, we are now faced with having to relocate so will be selling in the next year, which means I'll need to up the curb appeal to sell vs updating for me.

There are a number of things I’ll be addressing, but wanted to get your advice in two areas — 1) exterior paint colors and 2) side of house with garage doors.

The exterior is currently a peachy beige-y color (photos were taken on a cloudy day and looks taupe-ier than IRL). For listing/resale purposes, maybe best to go with a neutral scheme? The siding is old but will have to stay, the grey at the base is stucco, and the roof is Presidential Shake in Country Gray, which has warm greys/tans mixed in. Should you go all white on siding and trim with a contrasting color for stucco? Or maybe a medium taupe or grey with a creamy trim? Front door is currently a mid-tone green, which I think is fine to keep, so maybe a grey with green/celadon undertones for the siding? Ha, so many possibilities, and paint selection is not my strong suit. x_0

The garage doors will be replaced. The shop building in the back has barn doors, so to tie the house and shop together better, I’m thinking to go with barn-y garage doors, though maybe not painted green. The side of the house with the garage door is a big expanse of wall due to the roof line being almost two stories up. I feel like I need something there to break up the expanse of wall, maybe a walll-mounted pergola? Definitely a light fixture or three. Would you do one long pergola across both doors or two separate over each door? Or any other ideas? That wall is west-facing, so in full sun from early afternoon on.

We are in northern California, in the mountains, so area feels a bit “country” but not “farm-y”. Hard to tell from our lot, but surrounding homes are full of redwoods and pines. We got lucky and have a sunny and relatively flat spot. The climate is pretty mild, though we do tend towards wet and windy “winter” months with the occasional dusting of snow/hail. Lots of beating sun for 6-7 months of the year.

Thank you in advance, look forward to any advice that you may have to offer!

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