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Thinking about adding an electric fireplace. Dedicated circuit?

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

Hi All,

We're thinking of adding an electric fireplace to our basement family room area. The circuit amp is 15 for this room.

These are the items we currently use on this circuit: a TV, a TV antenna, a small scale sound system which we don't need to continue to use, and a lamp that we don't use very often. Sometimes we charge our phones on this circuit as well.

We have this unused electrical box (wires are there, just no outlet) where we would like to put the electrical fireplace.

This is the electric fireplace we re thinking about getting:

Here's a picture of some of the information on the box.

I am wondering if adding an electric fireplace to this 15 amp circuit would get to be too much the circuit? We wouldn't run the electric fireplace at full heat too often. Would I need to consider getting just this outlet on a dedicated circuit? Our breaker box is on the opposite end of the home, so I'd assume running a new wire could get tricky. I do not know much about electrical circuits in houses, but just know it's not good to have too much on one circuit. I would appreciate any thoughts or tips!

Note: Possibly unrelated, but I noticed that there is a gas line running to that area as well for if we ever wanted to put in a gas fireplace. Any chance this outlet could already be wired for it's own circuit with the thought of a gas fireplace being there down the line? I didn't notice any other breakers that would connect to this outlet other than what I pictured. I don't know if those wires behind that cover pictured are live, but I would assume they are.

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