Fall done right . . . (fall decorating that is)
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago
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I need to whine - nothing's getting done this fall!!
Comments (10)Sometimes it is just perspective. I keep thinking that I am so late getting fall cleanup done. Maybe it was the 70 degree day we had at the start of the week and then plummeting into the 30s. I think I should have gotten everything done before it got cold. Looking through old records I see that we were still raking leaves as late as Thanksgiving other years. Yesterday I cleaned up the last of the leaves (I hope) and DH mowed the lawn. It looks so neat today, unusally green for this time of the year. Since we are having the house resided soon I am trying to get all the beds around the house cut back and mulched well to survive the tromping they will get. Other years I leave much of that until spring. Still have some things that may or may not get cut back. Have bags of mulch ready to spread. Need to corral and add leaves to some plants to help protect from nibbling creatures. If these things don't get done, it's no biggy as all will survive. So, yes, prioritize and elimate those items that don't NEED to be done. And remember that next year you might have more time to do what you WANT done. It doesn't take long to empty a bag of two of leaves to mulch. Maybe you can take a few minutes each day until they are all spread. Move those pots into the garage to keep them from freezing and do one at a time if necessary. Pop those potted perennials (in the pots) into the ground or move them to the east side of the house and pile some of those bagged leaves around and on top of them. Mine survive that way here in z:4 so expect yours would also. Or put them in a cardboard box with crushed newspapers and leave them in your unheated garage. All in all, do what you can and let the rest go. There's always next year....See Moresome of my Fall decorating done
Comments (12)Karen, You missed your calling, you should have been an interrier designer. You decs are absolutely beautiful. I too love the little squirrels, they look so real. You seem to have the knack for knowing just what to put together. I have taken a terrible head cold today, and just feel lousy, so I hadn't been on my computer until just a little while ago, so I am behind on posts. You said you wished you had my will power about not buying Christmas decs. Believe me, it is not will power, it is already having more than I can possibly use. There was years that I couldn't pass up Christmas decorations, at ys, ts or after Christmas sales. Every year when I start getting things out, I find things that I don't even remember buyung. Durring the month of Nov. my time is usurally spent in the wreath barn (remember, we live in Christmas Tree Country) and I always try to make enough money to do all my Christmas shopping making wreaths. I started doing this yrs ago when my kids were small, and I needed the extra money really badly at Christmas.When they all grew up and moved out, making wreaths had just became such a tradition, that one year I didn't make any and it really didnt seem like Christmas. I usurally make a few hundred wreaths from the last of Oct to the 2nd week in Dec. I gues thats one reson that I never worried much about Halloween or Thanksgiving decorations. I usurally have all my ks and gk here for Thanksgiving Thursday and then right back to the barn an Fri.I really don't know hardly how I am going to do it this year, what with babysitting DGS, but on of my DGDs says she will help me with him. Guess time will tell... I also enjoy your albums; you do so much to keep this forum interesting. Janet...See Moremy bit of Fall Decorating
Comments (14)Thanks, Gang. I really appreciate everything you say. About the speckled pumpkin, yes it is ceramic. I found it last year at Joann's on sale. OA, the glitter pumpkins in the apothecary jar aren't ornaments, just table decorations. The "spotty glasses" are cute by the way. Jeanne, I don't like using glitter either but I learned two things. First one, do it outside. LOL. I usually take a shallow box, to catch the excess glitter and reuse it, and hold the item over it or sit it in the box. Also, a gal told me to put glitter in a salt shaker as it gives good control. Truthfully, I rather BUY glittered stuff. LOL. I remembered this morning, thank goodness, that I'd bought a Pilgrim Nutcracker months ago. So got him out of my closet and he's now next to the new tall apothecary jar. I also felt the green turkey on the kitchen counter was lacking, so added a slim little green vase of colorful faux mums to her and the Dollar Tree platter arrangement. hugs, Karen who's still trying to find a place for her 4 S&P turkey sets!!...See MoreChristmas Decor or Fall Decor???
Comments (34)The weekend after Thanksgiving everything changes to Christmas in our family. Always has. We have 2 grandchildren whos birthdays are Christmas eve, we wind up putting up balloons and multicolored streamers in the dining room, its comical, because all around the rest of the house its Christmas. Its the way it turned out, this is the season they were born in. Since its the start of Christmas season go for it, I would wait on putting up the tree though. I agree with others, silver and golds and sparkles would really bring in the festive elegant glow an anniversary party should have anyway....See MoreRelated Professionals
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