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Stink bug damage

A few days ago I noticed some unfamiliar bugs on my H. rectifolia var. pruinosa. It took a bit of digging to figure out that what I have is an infestation of stink bugs, species to be confirmed but that really isn't critical when all's said and done.

At first I thought that perhaps there were two different species but it turns out the smaller dark one is just a juvenile stage. I wondered what they live on and I found out a couple of days later: they nibble on the pods which in the process end up falling off the scape and in a good many cases they end up on the ground!

Yes, there's a Safer's insecticide that will deal with 'em. I've been going out with the spray bottle the past 2 nights and drench the ones I can spot. From what I've seen on the net it would appear as if eggs are laid on the bottom-side of leaves, so I'll have to keep a close eye on this stand and remove affected ones.


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